TGF Knoxville ProAm Averages

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Count: ?
ID Name # Avg Hdcp
3577PETRILLO, JOSH 337973.6
 80 A 240304 cherokee
74 A 231120 seviervilleriver
74 A 231113 morristown
75 A 231106 cherokee
75 A 231030 tnnational
75 A 231023 greenmeadow
73 A 231016 windriver
72 A 231009 raritybay
77 A 231002 oakridge
76 A 230925 laketansi
66 A 230918 beaverbrook
77 A 230911 greenmeadow
78 A 230820 kahite
77 A 230813 tanasi
79 A 230807 threeridges
84 A 230731 tnnational
75 B 230724 raritybay
83 B 230717 gettysvue
74 B 230710 dandridgerw
80 B 230626 centennial
82 B 230619 egwani
86 B 230605 beartrace
79 B 230522 gatlinburg
78 B 230515 greenmeadow
80 B 230508 tnnational
81 B 230501 windriver
84 B 230424 morristown
87 B 230417 threeridges
83 B 230410 holston
85 B 230403 oakridge
83 B 230327 willowcreek
95 B 230320 egwani
79 B 230313 foxden
82WHITTED, WENDELL 1478.677.0
 77 A 240401 oakridge
83 A 240318 holston
79 A 240311 foxden
75 A 240304 cherokee
84 A 231113 morristown
80 A 230731 tnnational
76 A 230522 gatlinburg
80 A 230508 tnnational
81 A 230501 windriver
78 A 230424 morristown
77 A 230410 holston
72 B 230403 oakridge
76 B 230327 willowcreek
82 A 230313 foxden
2123COBE, JOHN 684.578.7
 90 B 240415 threeridges
80 B 240408 egwani
82 B 231120 seviervilleriver
87 B 231113 morristown
74 B 230827 toqua
94 B 230313 foxden
 86 B 240318 holston
75 B 240304 cherokee
84 B 231009 raritybay
80 B 230918 beaverbrook
79 B 230717 gettysvue
82 B 230410 holston
81 B 230313 foxden
1629KENNEDY, MARK 298480.2
 86 B 240415 threeridges
85 B 240401 oakridge
83 B 240311 foxden
80 B 240304 cherokee
85 B 231120 seviervilleriver
83 B 231106 cherokee
81 B 231030 tnnational
79 B 231016 windriver
87 B 231009 raritybay
78 B 231002 oakridge
87 B 230925 laketansi
89 B 230911 greenmeadow
87 B 230827 toqua
81 B 230813 tanasi
79 B 230807 threeridges
91 B 230731 tnnational
80 B 230724 raritybay
81 B 230710 dandridgerw
75 B 230626 centennial
84 B 230619 egwani
80 B 230612 patriothills
88 B 230508 tnnational
90 B 230501 windriver
77 B 230417 threeridges
87 C 230410 holston
90 C 230403 oakridge
83 C 230327 willowcreek
89 C 230320 egwani
91 B 230313 foxden
2644MULLINS, TRE 26969.0
 69 P 230807 threeridges
69 P 230313 foxden
3533STOREY, BILL 1979.276.2
 81 A 231106 cherokee
79 A 231030 tnnational
86 A 231023 greenmeadow
78 A 231002 oakridge
82 A 230827 toqua
85 A 230820 kahite
73 A 230813 tanasi
76 A 230731 tnnational
78 A 230724 raritybay
76 A 230612 patriothills
76 A 230522 gatlinburg
78 A 230515 greenmeadow
81 A 230508 tnnational
84 A 230501 windriver
76 A 230424 morristown
77 A 230417 threeridges
84 A 230403 oakridge
81 A 230320 egwani
73 A 230313 foxden
3316LOGAN, CHRIS 379693.8
 96 C 240415 threeridges
98 C 240408 egwani
106 C 240401 oakridge
99 C 240325 willowcreek
101 C 240318 holston
95 C 240311 foxden
96 C 240304 cherokee
95 C 231120 seviervilleriver
89 C 231113 morristown
94 C 231106 cherokee
98 C 231030 tnnational
96 C 231023 greenmeadow
96 C 231016 windriver
96 C 231009 raritybay
91 C 231002 oakridge
95 C 230925 laketansi
93 C 230918 beaverbrook
96 C 230911 greenmeadow
90 C 230827 toqua
88 C 230820 kahite
88 C 230813 tanasi
96 C 230807 threeridges
97 C 230731 tnnational
85 C 230724 raritybay
101 C 230626 centennial
96 C 230612 patriothills
94 C 230605 beartrace
98 C 230522 gatlinburg
99 C 230515 greenmeadow
103 C 230508 tnnational
91 C 230501 windriver
97 C 230424 morristown
100 C 230417 threeridges
98 C 230410 holston
103 C 230403 oakridge
100 C 230320 egwani
99 C 230313 foxden
1062HUNTER, BRAXTON 1771.169.8
 73 P 240415 threeridges
69 P 240325 willowcreek
72 P 240318 holston
73 P 240311 foxden
69 P 240304 cherokee
74 P 231106 cherokee
73 P 231009 raritybay
73 P 230925 laketansi
69 P 230911 greenmeadow
70 P 230807 threeridges
68 P 230731 tnnational
70 P 230724 raritybay
72 P 230501 windriver
72 P 230403 oakridge
66 P 230327 willowcreek
76 P 230320 egwani
69 P 230313 foxden
879SENNETT, BILL 1277.774.6
 76 A 240311 foxden
74 A 240304 cherokee
78 A 231113 morristown
73 A 230710 dandridgerw
77 A 230626 centennial
73 A 230612 patriothills
78 A 230501 windriver
81 A 230424 morristown
85 A 230417 threeridges
82 A 230410 holston
78 A 230403 oakridge
77 A 230313 foxden
1359COLVIN, MIKE 1183.280.0
 94 B 240318 holston
87 B 240311 foxden
83 B 231002 oakridge
88 A 230731 tnnational
82 A 230522 gatlinburg
82 A 230508 tnnational
74 B 230424 morristown
79 B 230410 holston
83 B 230403 oakridge
83 B 230327 willowcreek
80 B 230313 foxden
2686NELSON, MIKE 3387.584.4
 86 B 240415 threeridges
84 B 240408 egwani
80 C 240401 oakridge
87 C 240325 willowcreek
93 B 240311 foxden
90 B 240304 cherokee
92 B 231113 morristown
85 B 231106 cherokee
88 B 231030 tnnational
89 B 231023 greenmeadow
89 B 231016 windriver
91 B 231009 raritybay
86 B 231002 oakridge
87 B 230925 laketansi
81 B 230918 beaverbrook
90 B 230827 toqua
84 B 230820 kahite
90 B 230813 tanasi
84 B 230731 tnnational
87 C 230717 gettysvue
85 C 230710 dandridgerw
82 C 230612 patriothills
91 C 230522 gatlinburg
79 C 230515 greenmeadow
91 C 230508 tnnational
92 C 230501 windriver
88 C 230424 morristown
88 C 230417 threeridges
88 C 230410 holston
88 C 230403 oakridge
91 C 230327 willowcreek
91 C 230320 egwani
92 C 230313 foxden
1532KNIGHT, ALLIE 1569.968.4
 70 P 240401 oakridge
72 P 240325 willowcreek
69 P 240311 foxden
72 P 240304 cherokee
73 P 231113 morristown
68 P 231023 greenmeadow
70 P 231009 raritybay
70 P 230807 threeridges
71 P 230731 tnnational
65 P 230710 dandridgerw
69 P 230417 threeridges
71 P 230403 oakridge
68 P 230327 willowcreek
70 P 230320 egwani
70 P 230313 foxden
3163BALES, JAMES 3185.982.6
 81 B 240408 egwani
87 B 240401 oakridge
88 B 240325 willowcreek
91 B 240311 foxden
88 B 240304 cherokee
85 B 231120 seviervilleriver
83 B 231106 cherokee
83 B 231030 tnnational
84 B 231023 greenmeadow
82 B 231016 windriver
80 B 231009 raritybay
88 B 231002 oakridge
77 B 230925 laketansi
90 B 230911 greenmeadow
82 B 230827 toqua
87 B 230820 kahite
75 B 230813 tanasi
88 B 230731 tnnational
80 B 230724 raritybay
89 C 230717 gettysvue
88 C 230626 centennial
82 C 230612 patriothills
80 C 230605 beartrace
87 C 230515 greenmeadow
87 C 230508 tnnational
85 C 230501 windriver
90 C 230424 morristown
92 B 230417 threeridges
103 C 230403 oakridge
87 C 230327 willowcreek
94 B 230313 foxden
1633CHANDLER, MICHAEL 3684.981.4
 83 B 240415 threeridges
86 B 240408 egwani
84 B 240401 oakridge
77 B 240325 willowcreek
85 B 240318 holston
82 B 240311 foxden
82 B 240304 cherokee
86 B 231120 seviervilleriver
84 B 231113 morristown
83 B 231106 cherokee
87 B 231030 tnnational
80 B 231023 greenmeadow
87 B 231016 windriver
83 B 231002 oakridge
82 B 230925 laketansi
80 B 230918 beaverbrook
77 B 230911 greenmeadow
84 B 230820 kahite
78 B 230813 tanasi
76 B 230731 tnnational
82 B 230724 raritybay
83 C 230717 gettysvue
81 C 230710 dandridgerw
83 C 230626 centennial
91 C 230619 egwani
85 C 230605 beartrace
84 C 230522 gatlinburg
93 C 230508 tnnational
93 C 230501 windriver
91 C 230424 morristown
92 B 230417 threeridges
83 C 230410 holston
87 C 230403 oakridge
94 C 230327 willowcreek
95 C 230320 egwani
92 C 230313 foxden
1602BRANDEL, JOE 3184.181.8
 92 B 240415 threeridges
88 B 240408 egwani
89 B 240401 oakridge
78 B 240325 willowcreek
90 B 240318 holston
84 B 240311 foxden
90 B 231120 seviervilleriver
79 B 231113 morristown
82 B 231106 cherokee
86 B 231030 tnnational
83 B 231023 greenmeadow
87 B 231009 raritybay
84 B 231002 oakridge
84 B 230925 laketansi
81 B 230918 beaverbrook
75 B 230827 toqua
75 B 230820 kahite
82 B 230813 tanasi
81 B 230724 raritybay
82 B 230717 gettysvue
79 B 230710 dandridgerw
83 B 230626 centennial
92 B 230605 beartrace
87 B 230522 gatlinburg
82 B 230515 greenmeadow
81 B 230501 windriver
84 B 230424 morristown
88 B 230410 holston
81 C 230403 oakridge
87 C 230320 egwani
90 B 230313 foxden
2338STERLING, LEONARD 3490.587.4
 91 C 240415 threeridges
87 C 240401 oakridge
93 C 240325 willowcreek
93 C 240318 holston
89 C 240311 foxden
91 C 240304 cherokee
84 C 231106 cherokee
92 C 231030 tnnational
92 C 231016 windriver
86 C 231009 raritybay
90 C 231002 oakridge
91 C 230925 laketansi
88 C 230918 beaverbrook
90 C 230911 greenmeadow
89 C 230827 toqua
83 C 230820 kahite
86 C 230813 tanasi
89 C 230807 threeridges
90 C 230724 raritybay
96 C 230717 gettysvue
84 C 230619 egwani
89 C 230612 patriothills
90 C 230605 beartrace
95 C 230522 gatlinburg
89 C 230515 greenmeadow
96 C 230508 tnnational
93 C 230501 windriver
93 C 230424 morristown
88 C 230417 threeridges
93 C 230410 holston
96 C 230403 oakridge
91 C 230327 willowcreek
98 C 230320 egwani
93 C 230313 foxden
2651GLENN, JERRY 3278.476.0
 77 A 240415 threeridges
78 A 240401 oakridge
74 A 240325 willowcreek
77 A 240318 holston
81 A 240311 foxden
87 A 240304 cherokee
78 A 231120 seviervilleriver
79 A 231113 morristown
74 A 231106 cherokee
80 A 231030 tnnational
77 A 231023 greenmeadow
75 A 231016 windriver
76 A 231009 raritybay
75 A 230925 laketansi
80 A 230918 beaverbrook
77 A 230827 toqua
72 A 230820 kahite
74 A 230813 tanasi
84 A 230731 tnnational
82 A 230710 dandridgerw
77 A 230612 patriothills
86 A 230605 beartrace
77 A 230522 gatlinburg
79 A 230515 greenmeadow
80 A 230508 tnnational
82 A 230501 windriver
79 A 230424 morristown
83 A 230417 threeridges
77 A 230410 holston
78 B 230403 oakridge
76 B 230327 willowcreek
79 A 230313 foxden
1611FIELDS, RICK 2577.472.6
 72 A 240415 threeridges
78 A 240408 egwani
70 A 240401 oakridge
76 A 240325 willowcreek
83 A 240318 holston
75 A 240311 foxden
78 A 240304 cherokee
79 A 231120 seviervilleriver
86 A 231113 morristown
70 A 231106 cherokee
83 A 231030 tnnational
82 A 231016 windriver
80 A 231009 raritybay
75 A 230911 greenmeadow
84 A 230731 tnnational
78 A 230724 raritybay
71 A 230717 gettysvue
79 A 230626 centennial
72 A 230612 patriothills
80 A 230522 gatlinburg
78 A 230417 threeridges
77 A 230410 holston
78 A 230403 oakridge
75 A 230320 egwani
77 B 230313 foxden
2326MURPHREE, EDDIE 3090.486.8
 90 C 240415 threeridges
86 C 240408 egwani
87 C 240401 oakridge
95 C 240318 holston
90 C 240311 foxden
82 C 240304 cherokee
98 C 231113 morristown
89 C 231106 cherokee
93 C 231023 greenmeadow
90 C 231009 raritybay
88 C 231002 oakridge
88 C 230918 beaverbrook
90 C 230827 toqua
88 C 230820 kahite
84 C 230813 tanasi
99 C 230731 tnnational
88 C 230724 raritybay
96 C 230717 gettysvue
84 C 230710 dandridgerw
98 C 230626 centennial
94 C 230605 beartrace
93 C 230515 greenmeadow
101 B 230508 tnnational
87 C 230424 morristown
90 B 230417 threeridges
94 B 230410 holston
91 C 230403 oakridge
83 C 230327 willowcreek
89 B 230320 egwani
86 C 230313 foxden
1060KEINO, JAMES 1675.471.0
 81 A 240311 foxden
73 A 240304 cherokee
68 A 231120 seviervilleriver
77 A 231106 cherokee
69 A 231023 greenmeadow
75 A 231009 raritybay
70 A 230820 kahite
81 A 230731 tnnational
75 A 230724 raritybay
81 A 230717 gettysvue
75 A 230515 greenmeadow
75 A 230501 windriver
77 A 230410 holston
76 A 230403 oakridge
78 A 230327 willowcreek
75 A 230313 foxden
2223WELCH, MIKE 3279.576.2
 80 A 240408 egwani
82 A 240401 oakridge
79 A 240325 willowcreek
84 A 240318 holston
83 A 240311 foxden
72 A 231120 seviervilleriver
77 A 231113 morristown
78 A 231106 cherokee
82 A 231030 tnnational
75 A 231023 greenmeadow
84 A 231016 windriver
77 A 231009 raritybay
76 A 231002 oakridge
75 A 230918 beaverbrook
73 A 230911 greenmeadow
79 A 230827 toqua
80 A 230820 kahite
79 A 230813 tanasi
83 A 230731 tnnational
81 A 230724 raritybay
69 A 230717 gettysvue
79 B 230710 dandridgerw
75 B 230612 patriothills
82 B 230508 tnnational
79 B 230501 windriver
81 B 230424 morristown
85 B 230417 threeridges
85 B 230410 holston
80 B 230403 oakridge
86 B 230327 willowcreek
79 B 230320 egwani
85 B 230313 foxden
1293CHANDLER, MIKE 3893.390.2
 86 C 240415 threeridges
98 C 240408 egwani
90 C 240401 oakridge
94 C 240325 willowcreek
100 C 240318 holston
96 C 240311 foxden
92 C 240304 cherokee
91 C 231120 seviervilleriver
94 C 231113 morristown
92 C 231106 cherokee
98 C 231030 tnnational
90 C 231023 greenmeadow
96 C 231016 windriver
90 C 231002 oakridge
87 C 230925 laketansi
83 C 230918 beaverbrook
93 C 230911 greenmeadow
90 C 230827 toqua
89 C 230820 kahite
88 C 230813 tanasi
93 C 230731 tnnational
92 C 230724 raritybay
93 C 230717 gettysvue
88 C 230710 dandridgerw
94 C 230619 egwani
101 C 230612 patriothills
97 C 230605 beartrace
98 C 230522 gatlinburg
95 C 230515 greenmeadow
103 C 230508 tnnational
92 C 230501 windriver
92 C 230424 morristown
93 C 230417 threeridges
94 C 230410 holston
99 C 230403 oakridge
94 C 230327 willowcreek
100 C 230320 egwani
89 C 230313 foxden
2537SEARS, FRANK 1880.575.8
 75 A 240325 willowcreek
75 B 240318 holston
82 B 240311 foxden
85 B 240304 cherokee
87 B 231113 morristown
75 B 231106 cherokee
82 B 231023 greenmeadow
76 B 230731 tnnational
78 B 230724 raritybay
81 B 230515 greenmeadow
80 B 230501 windriver
84 B 230424 morristown
84 B 230417 threeridges
80 B 230410 holston
82 B 230403 oakridge
80 B 230327 willowcreek
80 B 230320 egwani
83 A 230313 foxden
2235WHITMAN, DOUG 3682.679.8
 87 B 240415 threeridges
83 B 240408 egwani
80 B 240401 oakridge
93 B 240318 holston
83 B 240311 foxden
78 B 240304 cherokee
86 B 231120 seviervilleriver
84 B 231030 tnnational
75 B 231023 greenmeadow
86 B 231016 windriver
91 B 231009 raritybay
80 A 231002 oakridge
86 B 230925 laketansi
77 B 230918 beaverbrook
80 B 230911 greenmeadow
77 B 230827 toqua
79 B 230813 tanasi
80 B 230807 threeridges
81 B 230731 tnnational
85 B 230724 raritybay
89 B 230717 gettysvue
76 B 230710 dandridgerw
83 B 230626 centennial
82 B 230619 egwani
73 B 230612 patriothills
85 B 230605 beartrace
83 B 230515 greenmeadow
90 B 230508 tnnational
85 B 230501 windriver
85 B 230424 morristown
85 B 230417 threeridges
82 B 230410 holston
81 B 230403 oakridge
82 B 230327 willowcreek
82 B 230320 egwani
81 B 230313 foxden
2730SCHMID, STEVE 1292.888.6
 92 C 231106 cherokee
91 C 231009 raritybay
89 C 231002 oakridge
86 C 230911 greenmeadow
88 C 230820 kahite
89 C 230731 tnnational
95 C 230717 gettysvue
97 C 230626 centennial
92 C 230515 greenmeadow
102 C 230410 holston
97 C 230403 oakridge
96 C 230313 foxden
3197POWELL, CYNDI 2886.683.6
 85 B 240415 threeridges
83 B 240401 oakridge
87 B 240325 willowcreek
88 B 240318 holston
88 B 240311 foxden
88 B 240304 cherokee
88 B 231113 morristown
90 B 231030 tnnational
83 B 231016 windriver
80 B 231009 raritybay
91 B 231002 oakridge
85 B 230925 laketansi
86 B 230918 beaverbrook
87 B 230827 toqua
83 B 230813 tanasi
90 B 230807 threeridges
94 B 230731 tnnational
86 B 230724 raritybay
79 B 230710 dandridgerw
81 B 230626 centennial
85 B 230612 patriothills
89 B 230522 gatlinburg
84 B 230515 greenmeadow
91 B 230410 holston
88 B 230403 oakridge
92 B 230327 willowcreek
83 C 230320 egwani
92 B 230313 foxden
3583GRUBB, RODNEY 2087.183.6
 89 B 240415 threeridges
84 B 240401 oakridge
85 B 240325 willowcreek
90 B 240318 holston
84 B 240311 foxden
83 B 240304 cherokee
85 B 231106 cherokee
84 B 231023 greenmeadow
83 B 231016 windriver
89 B 231009 raritybay
86 B 231002 oakridge
89 B 230731 tnnational
85 B 230724 raritybay
85 C 230717 gettysvue
87 C 230619 egwani
96 C 230508 tnnational
88 B 230417 threeridges
85 C 230410 holston
90 C 230403 oakridge
95 C 230313 foxden
1598KILLEN, NEAL 2878.976.2
 80 A 240408 egwani
76 A 240401 oakridge
73 A 240325 willowcreek
88 A 240318 holston
78 A 240311 foxden
84 A 231120 seviervilleriver
78 A 231023 greenmeadow
82 A 231016 windriver
76 A 231009 raritybay
80 A 231002 oakridge
73 A 230918 beaverbrook
76 A 230911 greenmeadow
77 A 230827 toqua
73 A 230820 kahite
75 A 230807 threeridges
76 A 230626 centennial
77 B 230619 egwani
73 B 230612 patriothills
83 B 230605 beartrace
78 B 230522 gatlinburg
72 B 230515 greenmeadow
83 B 230424 morristown
83 B 230417 threeridges
81 B 230410 holston
83 B 230403 oakridge
81 B 230327 willowcreek
88 B 230320 egwani
81 A 230313 foxden
3441ARENDT, STEVE 2678.475.8
 77 A 240408 egwani
85 A 240318 holston
80 A 240311 foxden
82 A 240304 cherokee
77 A 231113 morristown
74 A 231106 cherokee
79 A 231030 tnnational
76 A 231009 raritybay
77 A 231002 oakridge
75 A 230925 laketansi
81 A 230918 beaverbrook
77 A 230911 greenmeadow
78 A 230827 toqua
78 A 230807 threeridges
85 A 230731 tnnational
75 A 230724 raritybay
78 A 230717 gettysvue
72 A 230710 dandridgerw
80 A 230626 centennial
72 A 230612 patriothills
78 A 230605 beartrace
86 A 230424 morristown
80 A 230410 holston
83 A 230403 oakridge
76 B 230327 willowcreek
78 B 230313 foxden
2300PHILLIPS, MIKE 1288.483.2
 80 B 240311 foxden
94 B 230918 beaverbrook
82 C 230820 kahite
78 C 230813 tanasi
93 C 230724 raritybay
89 C 230710 dandridgerw
88 C 230501 windriver
88 C 230424 morristown
89 C 230410 holston
89 C 230403 oakridge
94 C 230327 willowcreek
97 C 230313 foxden
625KEY, JERRY 2282.881.8
 80 B 240408 egwani
81 B 240401 oakridge
93 B 240318 holston
91 A 231120 seviervilleriver
84 A 231113 morristown
89 A 231106 cherokee
84 A 230918 beaverbrook
81 A 230911 greenmeadow
83 A 230813 tanasi
87 A 230731 tnnational
78 A 230724 raritybay
77 B 230717 gettysvue
75 B 230710 dandridgerw
73 B 230612 patriothills
80 B 230522 gatlinburg
84 B 230515 greenmeadow
79 B 230501 windriver
80 B 230424 morristown
89 B 230410 holston
83 B 230403 oakridge
89 B 230327 willowcreek
81 B 230313 foxden
3403PURKEY, CHARLES 3495.191.2
 89 C 240415 threeridges
97 C 240408 egwani
96 C 240401 oakridge
92 C 240325 willowcreek
96 C 240318 holston
93 C 240311 foxden
93 C 240304 cherokee
94 C 231120 seviervilleriver
100 C 231113 morristown
89 C 231106 cherokee
96 C 231030 tnnational
89 C 231023 greenmeadow
96 C 231016 windriver
88 C 231009 raritybay
96 C 231002 oakridge
95 C 230918 beaverbrook
91 C 230911 greenmeadow
89 C 230813 tanasi
93 C 230807 threeridges
99 C 230731 tnnational
95 C 230724 raritybay
97 C 230717 gettysvue
98 C 230710 dandridgerw
101 C 230626 centennial
90 C 230612 patriothills
95 C 230605 beartrace
99 C 230508 tnnational
92 C 230501 windriver
100 C 230424 morristown
98 C 230417 threeridges
97 C 230410 holston
103 C 230327 willowcreek
97 C 230320 egwani
99 C 230313 foxden
886WHITEHEAD, LEE 773.170.3
 70 P 240318 holston
72 P 231030 tnnational
69 P 230807 threeridges
76 P 230501 windriver
75 P 230417 threeridges
74 P 230403 oakridge
76 P 230313 foxden
175RUBLE, MIKE 2974.172.6
 78 A 240318 holston
77 A 240311 foxden
77 A 240304 cherokee
73 A 231120 seviervilleriver
74 A 231113 morristown
72 A 231106 cherokee
74 A 231030 tnnational
72 A 231023 greenmeadow
73 A 231016 windriver
73 A 231009 raritybay
75 A 230925 laketansi
72 A 230918 beaverbrook
77 A 230911 greenmeadow
77 A 230827 toqua
67 A 230820 kahite
75 A 230813 tanasi
75 A 230731 tnnational
77 A 230724 raritybay
69 A 230710 dandridgerw
73 A 230612 patriothills
78 A 230605 beartrace
74 A 230522 gatlinburg
76 A 230515 greenmeadow
73 A 230424 morristown
76 A 230417 threeridges
75 A 230410 holston
71 A 230403 oakridge
71 A 230327 willowcreek
74 A 230313 foxden
635TUTEN, BOYCE 2183.979.8
 81 B 240401 oakridge
90 B 240318 holston
94 B 240311 foxden
77 B 240304 cherokee
82 B 231030 tnnational
88 B 231023 greenmeadow
83 B 231009 raritybay
87 B 231002 oakridge
76 B 230925 laketansi
96 B 230820 kahite
87 B 230731 tnnational
80 B 230724 raritybay
81 B 230710 dandridgerw
78 B 230626 centennial
86 B 230501 windriver
80 B 230417 threeridges
78 B 230410 holston
88 B 230403 oakridge
80 B 230327 willowcreek
81 C 230320 egwani
88 B 230313 foxden
1BORUFF, NICK 27878.0
 78 P 230403 oakridge
78 P 230313 foxden
3243WOOTEN, DAVE 1076.873.8
 80 A 231009 raritybay
78 A 230731 tnnational
80 A 230724 raritybay
72 A 230522 gatlinburg
73 A 230515 greenmeadow
75 A 230501 windriver
75 A 230410 holston
78 A 230403 oakridge
74 B 230327 willowcreek
83 A 230313 foxden
1310OLDHAM, CHRIS 3180.478.0
 86 B 240408 egwani
80 B 240401 oakridge
79 A 240325 willowcreek
78 B 240311 foxden
78 B 240304 cherokee
80 B 231113 morristown
88 B 231030 tnnational
78 B 231023 greenmeadow
77 B 231016 windriver
81 B 231009 raritybay
81 A 231002 oakridge
82 A 230925 laketansi
78 A 230918 beaverbrook
86 A 230911 greenmeadow
81 A 230820 kahite
86 A 230724 raritybay
82 A 230717 gettysvue
77 A 230710 dandridgerw
82 A 230626 centennial
77 B 230619 egwani
76 B 230612 patriothills
76 B 230605 beartrace
80 B 230522 gatlinburg
78 B 230515 greenmeadow
79 B 230508 tnnational
84 B 230501 windriver
80 B 230410 holston
82 B 230403 oakridge
79 B 230327 willowcreek
78 B 230320 egwani
83 B 230313 foxden
2305SIMPSON, PARRISH 589.885.0
 98 B 230417 threeridges
87 B 230410 holston
91 B 230403 oakridge
90 B 230320 egwani
83 C 230313 foxden
2527WILSON, TOMMY 3388.884.8
 96 B 240415 threeridges
83 B 240318 holston
83 B 240311 foxden
88 B 240304 cherokee
94 B 231120 seviervilleriver
88 B 231106 cherokee
98 B 231030 tnnational
88 B 231023 greenmeadow
94 B 231009 raritybay
82 B 231002 oakridge
97 B 230925 laketansi
80 B 230918 beaverbrook
82 B 230820 kahite
83 B 230813 tanasi
90 B 230807 threeridges
90 B 230731 tnnational
83 B 230724 raritybay
91 B 230717 gettysvue
85 B 230710 dandridgerw
91 B 230626 centennial
83 B 230619 egwani
92 B 230612 patriothills
95 B 230605 beartrace
87 B 230522 gatlinburg
93 B 230515 greenmeadow
96 B 230508 tnnational
83 C 230501 windriver
85 C 230424 morristown
92 C 230417 threeridges
87 C 230410 holston
92 C 230403 oakridge
87 C 230327 willowcreek
92 B 230313 foxden
3588WALLACE, RICKEY 239590.0
 93 C 240415 threeridges
86 C 240408 egwani
94 C 240401 oakridge
95 C 240325 willowcreek
98 C 240318 holston
93 C 240311 foxden
87 C 240304 cherokee
93 C 231120 seviervilleriver
91 C 231106 cherokee
99 C 231030 tnnational
83 C 231023 greenmeadow
98 C 231016 windriver
93 C 231009 raritybay
92 C 231002 oakridge
102 C 230925 laketansi
100 C 230605 beartrace
92 C 230515 greenmeadow
103 C 230508 tnnational
95 C 230501 windriver
96 C 230417 threeridges
100 C 230403 oakridge
97 C 230327 willowcreek
106 C 230313 foxden
1265ALDER, SHANE 1378.776.0
 78 A 240401 oakridge
79 A 240304 cherokee
83 A 231113 morristown
75 A 231002 oakridge
83 A 230731 tnnational
76 A 230522 gatlinburg
84 A 230508 tnnational
74 A 230501 windriver
79 A 230424 morristown
77 A 230410 holston
72 B 230403 oakridge
80 B 230327 willowcreek
83 A 230313 foxden
86LAYNE, ANDY 4085.282.6
 81 B 240415 threeridges
87 B 240408 egwani
82 B 240401 oakridge
81 B 240325 willowcreek
87 B 240318 holston
86 B 240311 foxden
88 B 240304 cherokee
89 B 231120 seviervilleriver
94 B 231113 morristown
83 B 231106 cherokee
85 B 231030 tnnational
79 B 231023 greenmeadow
89 B 231016 windriver
83 B 231009 raritybay
79 B 231002 oakridge
84 B 230925 laketansi
82 B 230918 beaverbrook
82 B 230911 greenmeadow
85 B 230827 toqua
86 B 230820 kahite
84 B 230813 tanasi
91 B 230807 threeridges
88 B 230731 tnnational
84 B 230724 raritybay
85 B 230717 gettysvue
76 B 230710 dandridgerw
79 B 230626 centennial
78 B 230612 patriothills
87 B 230605 beartrace
82 B 230522 gatlinburg
86 B 230515 greenmeadow
84 C 230508 tnnational
84 C 230501 windriver
88 C 230424 morristown
86 C 230417 threeridges
89 C 230410 holston
90 C 230403 oakridge
89 C 230327 willowcreek
92 C 230320 egwani
94 B 230313 foxden
1199WILLIAMS, STEVE 1479.476.8
 80 A 240401 oakridge
83 A 240311 foxden
84 A 240304 cherokee
83 A 231113 morristown
78 A 231002 oakridge
76 A 230731 tnnational
74 A 230522 gatlinburg
78 A 230508 tnnational
78 A 230501 windriver
81 A 230424 morristown
82 A 230410 holston
75 B 230403 oakridge
80 B 230327 willowcreek
79 A 230313 foxden
190BIERMAN, RANDY 3186.585.4
 87 B 240415 threeridges
90 B 240408 egwani
83 B 240401 oakridge
85 B 240325 willowcreek
91 B 240318 holston
87 B 240311 foxden
86 B 240304 cherokee
86 B 231023 greenmeadow
90 B 231016 windriver
90 B 231009 raritybay
80 B 231002 oakridge
92 B 230925 laketansi
83 B 230918 beaverbrook
89 B 230731 tnnational
87 B 230724 raritybay
93 B 230717 gettysvue
79 B 230710 dandridgerw
88 B 230626 centennial
88 B 230612 patriothills
91 B 230605 beartrace
85 B 230522 gatlinburg
78 B 230515 greenmeadow
82 B 230508 tnnational
80 B 230501 windriver
84 B 230424 morristown
92 B 230417 threeridges
83 B 230410 holston
84 C 230403 oakridge
82 C 230327 willowcreek
95 C 230320 egwani
93 B 230313 foxden
1292STARR, LARRY 59794.0
 92 C 240311 foxden
99 C 231106 cherokee
96 C 230501 windriver
100 C 230320 egwani
98 C 230313 foxden
1851LUNDBLAD, ERIK 273.570.0
 70 P 240304 cherokee
77 P 230313 foxden
3097BRIDWELL, TREY 127471.6
 76 A 231120 seviervilleriver
71 A 231106 cherokee
75 A 231023 greenmeadow
72 A 231002 oakridge
74 A 230911 greenmeadow
77 A 230717 gettysvue
71 A 230515 greenmeadow
72 A 230508 tnnational
79 A 230417 threeridges
72 A 230410 holston
73 A 230403 oakridge
76 A 230313 foxden
1416SCOTT, TOMMY 3783.679.0
 90 B 240415 threeridges
84 B 240408 egwani
85 B 240401 oakridge
79 B 240325 willowcreek
87 B 240318 holston
78 B 240311 foxden
76 B 240304 cherokee
81 B 231120 seviervilleriver
92 B 231113 morristown
81 B 231106 cherokee
88 B 231030 tnnational
88 B 231023 greenmeadow
87 B 231016 windriver
81 B 231009 raritybay
83 B 231002 oakridge
82 A 230925 laketansi
85 A 230918 beaverbrook
84 A 230911 greenmeadow
77 A 230827 toqua
82 A 230807 threeridges
89 A 230731 tnnational
83 B 230724 raritybay
81 B 230717 gettysvue
79 B 230710 dandridgerw
79 B 230626 centennial
76 B 230619 egwani
73 B 230612 patriothills
93 B 230605 beartrace
88 B 230515 greenmeadow
90 B 230508 tnnational
87 B 230501 windriver
80 B 230424 morristown
87 B 230410 holston
84 B 230403 oakridge
83 B 230327 willowcreek
86 B 230320 egwani
84 B 230313 foxden
2786MCKINNEY, GENE 2091.787.0
 96 C 231106 cherokee
90 C 231023 greenmeadow
89 C 231009 raritybay
93 C 231002 oakridge
87 C 230918 beaverbrook
87 C 230820 kahite
86 C 230731 tnnational
86 C 230724 raritybay
89 C 230717 gettysvue
96 C 230710 dandridgerw
93 C 230626 centennial
98 C 230619 egwani
95 C 230515 greenmeadow
94 C 230501 windriver
91 C 230424 morristown
87 C 230417 threeridges
90 C 230410 holston
92 C 230403 oakridge
98 C 230327 willowcreek
96 C 230313 foxden
3586GARDNER, BRETT 2483.381.2
 78 B 240401 oakridge
81 B 240318 holston
85 B 240311 foxden
78 B 240304 cherokee
87 B 231120 seviervilleriver
84 B 231113 morristown
88 B 231030 tnnational
86 B 231009 raritybay
87 A 231002 oakridge
86 B 230925 laketansi
75 B 230918 beaverbrook
79 B 230911 greenmeadow
84 B 230807 threeridges
91 B 230731 tnnational
78 B 230724 raritybay
87 B 230717 gettysvue
79 B 230710 dandridgerw
82 B 230626 centennial
78 B 230605 beartrace
87 B 230424 morristown
86 B 230410 holston
85 C 230403 oakridge
79 C 230327 willowcreek
90 A 230313 foxden
1415SCOTT, RICHARD 3677.473.8
 77 A 240415 threeridges
78 A 240408 egwani
84 A 240401 oakridge
76 A 240318 holston
70 A 240311 foxden
80 A 240304 cherokee
76 A 231120 seviervilleriver
78 A 231106 cherokee
76 A 231030 tnnational
71 A 231023 greenmeadow
81 A 231016 windriver
77 A 231009 raritybay
78 A 231002 oakridge
79 A 230925 laketansi
84 A 230918 beaverbrook
79 A 230911 greenmeadow
74 A 230827 toqua
72 A 230813 tanasi
77 A 230807 threeridges
79 A 230731 tnnational
78 A 230724 raritybay
78 A 230717 gettysvue
76 A 230710 dandridgerw
75 A 230626 centennial
76 A 230619 egwani
71 A 230612 patriothills
77 A 230605 beartrace
77 A 230515 greenmeadow
86 A 230508 tnnational
80 A 230501 windriver
72 A 230417 threeridges
79 A 230410 holston
74 B 230403 oakridge
81 B 230327 willowcreek
81 B 230320 egwani
78 B 230313 foxden
3198TRIVETT, BUDDY 48781.0
 90 A 230731 tnnational
77 B 230724 raritybay
96 B 230403 oakridge
85 B 230313 foxden
816HARRINGTON, JEFF 377.375.0
 78 P 230410 holston
75 P 230403 oakridge
79 P 230313 foxden
1617FINGER, RICK 478.376.5
 80 A 230813 tanasi
80 A 230724 raritybay
74 B 230410 holston
79 A 230313 foxden
2724CRISP, DARREL 3292.890.8
 94 C 240408 egwani
93 C 240401 oakridge
94 C 240325 willowcreek
96 C 240318 holston
91 C 240311 foxden
99 C 240304 cherokee
91 C 231120 seviervilleriver
91 C 231106 cherokee
95 C 231030 tnnational
88 C 231023 greenmeadow
101 C 231016 windriver
95 C 231009 raritybay
97 C 231002 oakridge
92 C 230925 laketansi
93 C 230911 greenmeadow
88 C 230827 toqua
89 C 230820 kahite
93 C 230813 tanasi
94 C 230731 tnnational
93 C 230724 raritybay
89 C 230717 gettysvue
93 C 230710 dandridgerw
83 C 230612 patriothills
87 C 230515 greenmeadow
96 C 230508 tnnational
91 C 230501 windriver
93 C 230424 morristown
91 C 230417 threeridges
87 C 230410 holston
101 C 230403 oakridge
94 C 230327 willowcreek
96 C 230313 foxden
3582HOLLAND, ALEX 27773.0
 73 P 230807 threeridges
81 P 230313 foxden
2522CHEVERTON, RICK 2483.879.0
 90 B 240408 egwani
77 B 240325 willowcreek
93 B 231120 seviervilleriver
87 B 231113 morristown
81 B 231106 cherokee
91 B 231030 tnnational
76 B 231023 greenmeadow
81 B 231016 windriver
82 B 231009 raritybay
80 B 231002 oakridge
84 B 230925 laketansi
83 B 230724 raritybay
81 B 230612 patriothills
82 B 230522 gatlinburg
90 B 230515 greenmeadow
86 B 230508 tnnational
81 B 230501 windriver
88 B 230424 morristown
80 B 230417 threeridges
82 B 230410 holston
83 B 230403 oakridge
77 B 230327 willowcreek
89 B 230320 egwani
87 B 230313 foxden
1520EDWARDS, DENNY 3489.187.0
 88 C 240415 threeridges
94 C 240408 egwani
97 C 240401 oakridge
89 B 240325 willowcreek
94 B 240318 holston
86 B 240311 foxden
86 B 240304 cherokee
90 B 231106 cherokee
99 B 231030 tnnational
86 B 231023 greenmeadow
93 B 231009 raritybay
90 B 231002 oakridge
92 C 230925 laketansi
78 C 230918 beaverbrook
84 C 230911 greenmeadow
88 C 230827 toqua
94 B 230820 kahite
89 B 230813 tanasi
91 B 230731 tnnational
89 B 230724 raritybay
94 B 230717 gettysvue
86 B 230710 dandridgerw
91 B 230626 centennial
93 B 230619 egwani
84 B 230612 patriothills
85 B 230522 gatlinburg
83 B 230515 greenmeadow
82 C 230501 windriver
91 B 230417 threeridges
88 B 230410 holston
84 C 230403 oakridge
87 C 230327 willowcreek
93 C 230320 egwani
93 C 230313 foxden
2637OLBERDING, ROBERT 888.185.0
 86 B 231106 cherokee
88 B 231009 raritybay
86 B 231002 oakridge
88 B 230626 centennial
80 C 230515 greenmeadow
92 C 230410 holston
94 B 230403 oakridge
91 B 230313 foxden
1431BYRON, JIM 2781.378.6
 85 B 240415 threeridges
80 B 240408 egwani
80 A 240311 foxden
84 A 240304 cherokee
77 A 231106 cherokee
82 A 231030 tnnational
83 A 231009 raritybay
81 A 230918 beaverbrook
95 B 230911 greenmeadow
75 B 230813 tanasi
84 B 230807 threeridges
79 B 230731 tnnational
77 B 230717 gettysvue
80 B 230710 dandridgerw
79 B 230626 centennial
80 B 230612 patriothills
78 B 230605 beartrace
80 B 230522 gatlinburg
82 B 230515 greenmeadow
87 B 230501 windriver
76 B 230424 morristown
83 B 230417 threeridges
82 B 230410 holston
81 B 230403 oakridge
78 B 230327 willowcreek
87 B 230320 egwani
81 A 230313 foxden
2719THOMPSON, BILLY 19898.0
 98 B 230313 foxden
124CHEEK, MIKE 2278.574.2
 78 A 240408 egwani
75 A 240325 willowcreek
86 A 231120 seviervilleriver
71 A 231106 cherokee
80 A 231030 tnnational
74 A 231023 greenmeadow
75 A 231009 raritybay
80 A 231002 oakridge
76 A 230925 laketansi
79 A 230911 greenmeadow
77 A 230724 raritybay
79 A 230717 gettysvue
73 A 230612 patriothills
76 A 230522 gatlinburg
78 A 230515 greenmeadow
87 A 230501 windriver
79 A 230424 morristown
86 A 230417 threeridges
78 B 230403 oakridge
74 B 230327 willowcreek
84 B 230320 egwani
81 A 230313 foxden
2722WALKER, GLENN 138581.6
 84 B 240415 threeridges
80 B 240408 egwani
81 B 240401 oakridge
83 B 240325 willowcreek
91 B 240318 holston
81 B 240311 foxden
83 B 240304 cherokee
89 B 230918 beaverbrook
88 B 230717 gettysvue
88 B 230410 holston
82 C 230403 oakridge
86 C 230327 willowcreek
89 B 230313 foxden
3435BRYDEN, MARK 276.576.0
 77 A 230424 morristown
76 A 230313 foxden
1945MCBRAYER, DOUG 3788.587.4
 87 C 240408 egwani
95 C 240325 willowcreek
98 C 240318 holston
94 B 240311 foxden
96 B 240304 cherokee
100 B 231113 morristown
90 B 231106 cherokee
91 B 231030 tnnational
81 B 231023 greenmeadow
88 B 231016 windriver
86 B 231009 raritybay
86 B 231002 oakridge
90 B 230925 laketansi
74 B 230918 beaverbrook
89 B 230911 greenmeadow
85 B 230827 toqua
80 B 230820 kahite
85 B 230813 tanasi
83 B 230807 threeridges
95 B 230731 tnnational
80 B 230724 raritybay
79 C 230717 gettysvue
79 C 230710 dandridgerw
96 C 230626 centennial
96 C 230619 egwani
75 C 230612 patriothills
93 C 230605 beartrace
87 C 230522 gatlinburg
83 C 230515 greenmeadow
88 C 230508 tnnational
94 C 230501 windriver
86 C 230417 threeridges
90 C 230410 holston
94 C 230403 oakridge
93 C 230327 willowcreek
96 C 230320 egwani
92 B 230313 foxden
2658SHERIDAN, JOHN 2491.390.0
 92 B 240311 foxden
93 B 240304 cherokee
92 B 231106 cherokee
97 B 231030 tnnational
94 B 231016 windriver
91 B 231002 oakridge
85 C 230918 beaverbrook
90 C 230911 greenmeadow
92 C 230813 tanasi
92 C 230807 threeridges
92 C 230731 tnnational
83 C 230724 raritybay
85 C 230710 dandridgerw
85 C 230626 centennial
89 C 230612 patriothills
97 C 230605 beartrace
94 C 230501 windriver
91 C 230424 morristown
96 C 230417 threeridges
93 C 230410 holston
92 C 230403 oakridge
91 C 230327 willowcreek
90 C 230320 egwani
96 C 230313 foxden
3592UTT, SETH 18888.0
 88 P 230313 foxden
1650HINE, GENE 3676.573.4
 75 A 240415 threeridges
77 A 240408 egwani
72 A 240401 oakridge
73 A 240325 willowcreek
79 A 240318 holston
77 A 240311 foxden
75 A 240304 cherokee
81 A 231120 seviervilleriver
77 A 231113 morristown
72 A 231106 cherokee
81 A 231030 tnnational
73 A 231023 greenmeadow
77 A 231016 windriver
80 A 231009 raritybay
75 A 231002 oakridge
76 A 230925 laketansi
77 A 230918 beaverbrook
77 A 230911 greenmeadow
75 A 230813 tanasi
74 A 230807 threeridges
80 A 230731 tnnational
77 A 230724 raritybay
72 A 230717 gettysvue
76 A 230710 dandridgerw
77 A 230626 centennial
75 A 230619 egwani
70 A 230612 patriothills
80 A 230522 gatlinburg
70 A 230501 windriver
79 A 230424 morristown
80 A 230417 threeridges
75 A 230410 holston
86 A 230403 oakridge
75 B 230327 willowcreek
80 B 230320 egwani
79 A 230313 foxden
1997RUSSELL, TERRY 3182.178.0
 81 A 231120 seviervilleriver
82 A 231113 morristown
78 A 231106 cherokee
88 A 231030 tnnational
82 A 231023 greenmeadow
80 B 231016 windriver
74 B 231009 raritybay
81 A 231002 oakridge
81 B 230925 laketansi
77 B 230918 beaverbrook
81 B 230827 toqua
79 B 230820 kahite
78 B 230813 tanasi
85 B 230807 threeridges
83 B 230731 tnnational
78 B 230724 raritybay
81 B 230717 gettysvue
76 B 230710 dandridgerw
85 B 230619 egwani
82 B 230612 patriothills
89 B 230605 beartrace
80 B 230522 gatlinburg
81 B 230515 greenmeadow
85 B 230508 tnnational
87 B 230501 windriver
84 B 230417 threeridges
89 B 230410 holston
84 B 230403 oakridge
84 B 230327 willowcreek
90 B 230320 egwani
79 B 230313 foxden
2768MCLAUGHLIN, TOM 3691.888.2
 94 C 240415 threeridges
89 C 240408 egwani
83 C 240401 oakridge
86 C 240325 willowcreek
99 C 240318 holston
95 C 240311 foxden
94 C 240304 cherokee
97 C 231120 seviervilleriver
92 C 231106 cherokee
91 C 231030 tnnational
97 C 231023 greenmeadow
94 C 231016 windriver
92 C 231009 raritybay
85 C 231002 oakridge
97 C 230925 laketansi
86 C 230918 beaverbrook
98 C 230911 greenmeadow
85 C 230813 tanasi
96 C 230807 threeridges
91 C 230731 tnnational
90 C 230717 gettysvue
91 C 230710 dandridgerw
96 C 230626 centennial
89 C 230612 patriothills
95 C 230605 beartrace
86 C 230522 gatlinburg
81 C 230515 greenmeadow
98 C 230508 tnnational
89 C 230501 windriver
98 C 230424 morristown
97 C 230417 threeridges
85 C 230410 holston
91 C 230403 oakridge
90 C 230327 willowcreek
96 C 230320 egwani
90 C 230313 foxden
2419GIVEN, GARY 3185.384.8
 88 B 240415 threeridges
91 B 240408 egwani
82 C 240401 oakridge
84 C 240325 willowcreek
93 C 240318 holston
87 B 240311 foxden
83 B 240304 cherokee
89 B 231120 seviervilleriver
91 B 231113 morristown
90 B 231106 cherokee
90 B 231030 tnnational
88 B 231002 oakridge
89 A 230925 laketansi
86 A 230813 tanasi
87 A 230807 threeridges
81 A 230731 tnnational
87 B 230724 raritybay
79 B 230717 gettysvue
76 B 230710 dandridgerw
77 B 230612 patriothills
86 B 230605 beartrace
78 B 230522 gatlinburg
82 B 230515 greenmeadow
78 B 230501 windriver
85 B 230424 morristown
89 B 230417 threeridges
83 B 230410 holston
86 B 230403 oakridge
87 B 230327 willowcreek
82 C 230320 egwani
91 B 230313 foxden
2683SCHLETER, WILL 3489.983.6
 81 B 240415 threeridges
90 B 240408 egwani
90 B 240401 oakridge
80 C 240325 willowcreek
87 C 240318 holston
89 C 240311 foxden
81 C 240304 cherokee
90 C 231106 cherokee
95 C 231030 tnnational
94 C 231023 greenmeadow
91 C 231016 windriver
92 B 231009 raritybay
85 B 231002 oakridge
91 B 230911 greenmeadow
90 B 230827 toqua
87 C 230820 kahite
82 C 230813 tanasi
93 C 230807 threeridges
94 C 230731 tnnational
95 C 230724 raritybay
97 C 230717 gettysvue
91 C 230710 dandridgerw
87 C 230612 patriothills
88 C 230605 beartrace
85 C 230522 gatlinburg
89 C 230515 greenmeadow
93 C 230508 tnnational
89 C 230501 windriver
104 C 230424 morristown
86 C 230417 threeridges
91 C 230410 holston
97 C 230403 oakridge
90 C 230327 willowcreek
93 C 230313 foxden
2554LUGONJIC, MARKO 2185.182.2
 83 B 240401 oakridge
81 B 240304 cherokee
80 B 231106 cherokee
89 B 231030 tnnational
85 B 231023 greenmeadow
89 B 231016 windriver
86 B 231002 oakridge
82 B 230911 greenmeadow
87 B 230827 toqua
85 B 230731 tnnational
88 B 230724 raritybay
84 B 230717 gettysvue
86 B 230619 egwani
77 B 230515 greenmeadow
91 B 230508 tnnational
95 B 230417 threeridges
91 B 230410 holston
83 B 230403 oakridge
75 B 230327 willowcreek
84 C 230320 egwani
87 B 230313 foxden
1281MCCRACKEN, KEITH 393.392.0
 92 C 230410 holston
92 C 230327 willowcreek
96 C 230313 foxden
2608MAYFIELD, CRAIG 1883.379.2
 78 B 240415 threeridges
84 B 240408 egwani
82 B 240401 oakridge
85 B 240311 foxden
81 B 240304 cherokee
73 B 230813 tanasi
84 B 230807 threeridges
89 B 230717 gettysvue
83 B 230710 dandridgerw
82 B 230626 centennial
84 B 230612 patriothills
83 B 230605 beartrace
85 B 230501 windriver
84 B 230417 threeridges
87 B 230410 holston
88 C 230403 oakridge
80 C 230327 willowcreek
88 B 230313 foxden
2832THORNLEY, ROY 687.783.7
 88 B 240325 willowcreek
86 B 231120 seviervilleriver
92 B 230911 greenmeadow
91 B 230820 kahite
77 B 230612 patriothills
92 B 230313 foxden
3578HALL, HAYDEN 248985.0
 94 B 240415 threeridges
91 B 240408 egwani
88 B 240401 oakridge
80 C 240325 willowcreek
90 C 240318 holston
87 C 240311 foxden
93 C 240304 cherokee
86 C 231120 seviervilleriver
84 C 231106 cherokee
90 C 231016 windriver
92 C 231009 raritybay
93 C 231002 oakridge
92 C 230911 greenmeadow
89 C 230813 tanasi
88 C 230807 threeridges
85 C 230731 tnnational
85 C 230724 raritybay
90 C 230626 centennial
91 C 230619 egwani
87 C 230515 greenmeadow
91 C 230501 windriver
89 C 230410 holston
90 C 230403 oakridge
91 C 230313 foxden
3589DEMARCUS, ALAN 1086.182.4
 81 B 231120 seviervilleriver
83 B 231106 cherokee
92 B 231009 raritybay
85 B 231002 oakridge
82 B 230813 tanasi
96 B 230731 tnnational
86 B 230515 greenmeadow
86 B 230424 morristown
81 B 230410 holston
89 A 230313 foxden
3229NADLER, DAVE 686.884.7
 89 B 230424 morristown
85 B 230410 holston
86 B 230403 oakridge
89 B 230327 willowcreek
83 C 230320 egwani
89 B 230313 foxden
2325WILSON, DAVE 892.487.2
101 C 240318 holston
84 C 230918 beaverbrook
93 C 230724 raritybay
83 C 230612 patriothills
89 C 230515 greenmeadow
101 C 230403 oakridge
95 C 230320 egwani
93 C 230313 foxden
2512MASSEY, JOHN 688.885.7
 87 B 230501 windriver
88 B 230424 morristown
101 B 230410 holston
85 B 230327 willowcreek
87 B 230320 egwani
85 B 230313 foxden
2765MILLER, CHIP 3791.789.2
 89 C 240415 threeridges
92 C 240408 egwani
88 C 240401 oakridge
88 C 240325 willowcreek
94 C 240318 holston
89 C 240311 foxden
96 C 240304 cherokee
93 C 231120 seviervilleriver
92 C 231113 morristown
93 C 231106 cherokee
95 C 231030 tnnational
93 C 231023 greenmeadow
82 C 231009 raritybay
95 C 231002 oakridge
90 C 230925 laketansi
94 C 230918 beaverbrook
91 C 230911 greenmeadow
96 C 230827 toqua
87 C 230820 kahite
88 C 230813 tanasi
90 C 230807 threeridges
90 C 230731 tnnational
89 C 230724 raritybay
84 C 230717 gettysvue
90 C 230710 dandridgerw
88 C 230626 centennial
92 C 230522 gatlinburg
87 C 230515 greenmeadow
97 C 230508 tnnational
94 C 230501 windriver
90 C 230424 morristown
95 C 230417 threeridges
99 C 230410 holston
94 C 230403 oakridge
96 C 230327 willowcreek
96 C 230320 egwani
98 C 230313 foxden
3409MILES, DAN 3581.376.8
 85 A 240415 threeridges
82 A 240408 egwani
83 A 240401 oakridge
76 B 240325 willowcreek
73 B 240318 holston
77 B 240311 foxden
84 B 240304 cherokee
79 B 231120 seviervilleriver
82 B 231106 cherokee
79 B 231030 tnnational
80 B 231023 greenmeadow
83 B 231016 windriver
81 B 231009 raritybay
85 B 231002 oakridge
83 B 230925 laketansi
79 B 230911 greenmeadow
79 B 230827 toqua
80 B 230820 kahite
77 B 230813 tanasi
86 B 230807 threeridges
81 B 230731 tnnational
78 B 230724 raritybay
82 B 230717 gettysvue
79 B 230626 centennial
76 B 230605 beartrace
87 B 230522 gatlinburg
82 B 230515 greenmeadow
91 B 230508 tnnational
81 B 230501 windriver
86 B 230424 morristown
82 B 230410 holston
79 B 230403 oakridge
82 B 230327 willowcreek
79 C 230320 egwani
87 B 230313 foxden
1928RILEY, SHAWN 3279.678.6
 77 B 240408 egwani
80 B 240325 willowcreek
81 A 240318 holston
79 A 240311 foxden
76 A 240304 cherokee
81 A 231120 seviervilleriver
84 A 231113 morristown
81 A 231106 cherokee
83 A 231030 tnnational
81 A 231023 greenmeadow
76 A 231016 windriver
84 A 231009 raritybay
77 A 231002 oakridge
75 A 230918 beaverbrook
79 A 230911 greenmeadow
74 A 230827 toqua
77 A 230807 threeridges
86 A 230731 tnnational
80 A 230724 raritybay
86 A 230717 gettysvue
73 A 230710 dandridgerw
80 A 230626 centennial
82 A 230619 egwani
77 A 230612 patriothills
83 A 230605 beartrace
77 A 230501 windriver
77 B 230417 threeridges
82 B 230410 holston
80 A 230403 oakridge
76 B 230327 willowcreek
81 B 230320 egwani
82 B 230313 foxden
2679COX, RICHARD 691.888.7
 90 C 230501 windriver
97 C 230424 morristown
89 C 230410 holston
87 C 230327 willowcreek
92 C 230320 egwani
96 C 230313 foxden
1817ADCOCK, RICKY 3590.587.0
 88 C 240408 egwani
91 C 240325 willowcreek
97 C 240318 holston
96 C 240311 foxden
87 C 240304 cherokee
91 C 231120 seviervilleriver
90 C 231113 morristown
92 C 231106 cherokee
97 C 231030 tnnational
79 C 231023 greenmeadow
89 C 231016 windriver
86 C 231009 raritybay
85 C 231002 oakridge
91 C 230925 laketansi
87 C 230918 beaverbrook
88 C 230911 greenmeadow
91 C 230827 toqua
86 C 230820 kahite
95 C 230813 tanasi
97 C 230807 threeridges
93 C 230731 tnnational
90 C 230724 raritybay
90 C 230717 gettysvue
86 C 230710 dandridgerw
88 C 230626 centennial
91 C 230619 egwani
80 C 230612 patriothills
92 C 230605 beartrace
93 C 230515 greenmeadow
96 C 230508 tnnational
94 C 230417 threeridges
90 C 230410 holston
97 C 230403 oakridge
90 C 230327 willowcreek
93 C 230313 foxden
2297STILES, DAVE 1181.378.8
 79 B 231002 oakridge
84 B 230925 laketansi
82 B 230731 tnnational
76 B 230724 raritybay
81 B 230717 gettysvue
83 B 230522 gatlinburg
84 B 230501 windriver
80 B 230410 holston
78 B 230403 oakridge
83 B 230327 willowcreek
84 B 230313 foxden
2572PEARSON, THOMAS 3588.187.2
 90 C 240415 threeridges
90 B 240408 egwani
92 B 240401 oakridge
91 B 240325 willowcreek
94 B 240318 holston
81 B 240311 foxden
92 B 240304 cherokee
90 B 231120 seviervilleriver
89 B 231113 morristown
86 B 231106 cherokee
89 B 231030 tnnational
81 B 231023 greenmeadow
77 B 231009 raritybay
82 B 231002 oakridge
90 B 230925 laketansi
86 B 230918 beaverbrook
87 B 230911 greenmeadow
83 B 230827 toqua
85 B 230807 threeridges
96 B 230731 tnnational
86 B 230724 raritybay
85 C 230717 gettysvue
86 C 230710 dandridgerw
84 C 230612 patriothills
88 C 230522 gatlinburg
88 C 230515 greenmeadow
94 C 230508 tnnational
90 B 230501 windriver
93 B 230424 morristown
84 C 230417 threeridges
94 C 230410 holston
93 C 230403 oakridge
86 C 230327 willowcreek
87 C 230320 egwani
93 C 230313 foxden
271RUTHERFORD, OLEN 1974.672.2
 76 A 240415 threeridges
70 A 240311 foxden
73 A 231120 seviervilleriver
75 A 231113 morristown
74 A 231106 cherokee
80 A 231030 tnnational
78 A 231009 raritybay
69 A 231002 oakridge
77 A 230925 laketansi
75 A 230813 tanasi
70 A 230710 dandridgerw
71 A 230626 centennial
76 A 230605 beartrace
72 A 230515 greenmeadow
73 A 230417 threeridges
77 A 230410 holston
77 A 230403 oakridge
78 A 230327 willowcreek
76 A 230313 foxden
 85 A 240415 threeridges
80 B 240311 foxden
75 B 240304 cherokee
91 B 231030 tnnational
79 B 231002 oakridge
81 B 230925 laketansi
79 B 230918 beaverbrook
82 B 230827 toqua
91 B 230820 kahite
79 B 230813 tanasi
77 B 230807 threeridges
84 B 230724 raritybay
82 B 230717 gettysvue
78 B 230710 dandridgerw
81 B 230626 centennial
88 B 230619 egwani
81 B 230612 patriothills
84 B 230515 greenmeadow
93 B 230501 windriver
83 B 230417 threeridges
74 B 230410 holston
88 B 230403 oakridge
84 B 230327 willowcreek
92 B 230320 egwani
84 B 230313 foxden
3585MCDONALD, MARTY 599.697.0
100 C 240318 holston
104 C 240304 cherokee
100 C 230807 threeridges
94 C 230619 egwani
100 C 230313 foxden
2971CHERRY, TODD 298581.2
 85 B 240408 egwani
88 B 240401 oakridge
96 B 240318 holston
84 B 240311 foxden
89 B 240304 cherokee
77 B 231120 seviervilleriver
86 B 231113 morristown
84 B 231106 cherokee
84 B 231030 tnnational
77 B 231023 greenmeadow
87 B 230911 greenmeadow
79 B 230827 toqua
80 B 230813 tanasi
89 B 230807 threeridges
89 B 230731 tnnational
85 B 230724 raritybay
79 B 230717 gettysvue
87 B 230710 dandridgerw
86 B 230626 centennial
89 B 230619 egwani
79 B 230612 patriothills
84 B 230605 beartrace
84 B 230501 windriver
89 B 230424 morristown
81 B 230410 holston
91 B 230403 oakridge
89 B 230327 willowcreek
85 B 230320 egwani
84 B 230313 foxden
3346HALE, RICHARD 38986.0
 86 C 230501 windriver
86 C 230417 threeridges
95 B 230313 foxden
277CHAMBERS, JIM 3485.480.8
 85 B 240415 threeridges
81 B 240408 egwani
79 B 240401 oakridge
78 B 240325 willowcreek
92 B 240318 holston
82 B 240311 foxden
87 B 240304 cherokee
93 B 231106 cherokee
84 B 231023 greenmeadow
90 B 231016 windriver
84 B 231002 oakridge
86 B 230925 laketansi
80 B 230918 beaverbrook
87 B 230911 greenmeadow
82 B 230820 kahite
85 B 230813 tanasi
98 B 230807 threeridges
87 B 230731 tnnational
85 B 230724 raritybay
84 B 230717 gettysvue
80 B 230710 dandridgerw
87 B 230626 centennial
84 B 230619 egwani
82 B 230612 patriothills
89 B 230605 beartrace
91 B 230522 gatlinburg
84 B 230515 greenmeadow
80 B 230501 windriver
84 B 230424 morristown
90 B 230417 threeridges
85 B 230410 holston
83 C 230327 willowcreek
92 B 230320 egwani
84 B 230313 foxden
293STOKES, DON 587.679.0
 81 B 231002 oakridge
77 C 230612 patriothills
96 C 230410 holston
90 C 230320 egwani
94 B 230313 foxden
2379JUSTUS, RON 2681.677.6
 78 B 240401 oakridge
83 B 240318 holston
73 B 240311 foxden
79 B 240304 cherokee
81 B 231120 seviervilleriver
83 B 231113 morristown
87 B 231106 cherokee
81 B 231009 raritybay
85 B 230925 laketansi
77 B 230918 beaverbrook
83 B 230911 greenmeadow
79 B 230807 threeridges
79 B 230731 tnnational
83 B 230717 gettysvue
79 B 230626 centennial
80 B 230612 patriothills
83 B 230605 beartrace
80 B 230522 gatlinburg
89 B 230515 greenmeadow
83 B 230501 windriver
84 B 230424 morristown
83 B 230417 threeridges
81 B 230410 holston
80 B 230327 willowcreek
84 B 230320 egwani
85 A 230313 foxden
3587HUNGATE, STEVE 2884.779.6
 91 B 240415 threeridges
87 B 240408 egwani
83 B 240401 oakridge
79 B 240325 willowcreek
88 B 240318 holston
83 B 240311 foxden
88 B 240304 cherokee
80 B 231120 seviervilleriver
90 B 231113 morristown
73 B 231106 cherokee
86 B 231030 tnnational
83 B 231023 greenmeadow
84 B 231016 windriver
84 B 231009 raritybay
81 B 231002 oakridge
85 B 230918 beaverbrook
86 B 230911 greenmeadow
89 B 230731 tnnational
84 B 230724 raritybay
85 B 230626 centennial
78 B 230612 patriothills
87 B 230605 beartrace
88 B 230522 gatlinburg
84 B 230501 windriver
82 B 230417 threeridges
85 C 230403 oakridge
91 C 230320 egwani
88 B 230313 foxden
1289CHILDRESS, MIKE 3886.685.0
 85 B 240415 threeridges
85 B 240408 egwani
85 B 240401 oakridge
89 B 240325 willowcreek
86 B 240318 holston
93 B 240311 foxden
90 B 240304 cherokee
90 B 231120 seviervilleriver
85 B 231113 morristown
85 B 231106 cherokee
93 B 231030 tnnational
87 B 231023 greenmeadow
82 B 231016 windriver
85 B 231009 raritybay
88 B 231002 oakridge
86 B 230925 laketansi
80 B 230918 beaverbrook
81 B 230911 greenmeadow
86 B 230827 toqua
87 B 230813 tanasi
84 B 230731 tnnational
87 B 230724 raritybay
79 C 230717 gettysvue
82 C 230710 dandridgerw
88 C 230619 egwani
83 C 230612 patriothills
83 C 230605 beartrace
85 C 230522 gatlinburg
87 C 230515 greenmeadow
90 C 230508 tnnational
92 C 230501 windriver
94 C 230424 morristown
87 B 230417 threeridges
84 C 230410 holston
89 C 230403 oakridge
91 C 230327 willowcreek
87 C 230320 egwani
90 B 230313 foxden
1348HALL, MIKE 2378.977.6
 84 A 240415 threeridges
80 A 240408 egwani
78 A 240401 oakridge
80 A 240311 foxden
78 A 231120 seviervilleriver
76 A 231106 cherokee
80 A 231023 greenmeadow
78 A 231016 windriver
78 A 231009 raritybay
79 A 231002 oakridge
73 A 230918 beaverbrook
79 A 230820 kahite
77 A 230813 tanasi
75 A 230807 threeridges
82 A 230731 tnnational
78 B 230724 raritybay
76 B 230619 egwani
78 B 230515 greenmeadow
80 B 230417 threeridges
81 B 230410 holston
78 B 230403 oakridge
84 B 230327 willowcreek
83 B 230313 foxden
2972RYLANDS, CRAIG 2887.685.0
 89 B 240408 egwani
86 B 240401 oakridge
78 B 240325 willowcreek
88 B 240318 holston
92 B 240304 cherokee
94 B 231113 morristown
89 B 231106 cherokee
87 B 231030 tnnational
86 B 231023 greenmeadow
90 B 231016 windriver
86 B 230911 greenmeadow
87 B 230827 toqua
80 B 230813 tanasi
93 B 230807 threeridges
88 B 230731 tnnational
89 B 230724 raritybay
91 B 230717 gettysvue
83 B 230710 dandridgerw
82 B 230626 centennial
91 B 230515 greenmeadow
86 B 230508 tnnational
77 C 230424 morristown
89 C 230417 threeridges
90 C 230410 holston
86 C 230403 oakridge
90 C 230327 willowcreek
93 C 230320 egwani
93 B 230313 foxden
3210ROPER, ROBIN 3486.786.2
 89 B 240415 threeridges
91 B 240401 oakridge
92 B 240325 willowcreek
91 B 240318 holston
87 B 240304 cherokee
90 B 231113 morristown
89 B 231106 cherokee
91 B 231030 tnnational
87 B 231023 greenmeadow
79 B 231016 windriver
87 B 231009 raritybay
83 B 231002 oakridge
92 B 230925 laketansi
80 B 230918 beaverbrook
82 B 230911 greenmeadow
88 B 230827 toqua
82 B 230820 kahite
87 B 230813 tanasi
90 B 230731 tnnational
85 B 230724 raritybay
80 B 230717 gettysvue
83 B 230710 dandridgerw
84 B 230626 centennial
84 B 230619 egwani
82 B 230612 patriothills
85 B 230515 greenmeadow
88 B 230508 tnnational
82 C 230501 windriver
85 C 230424 morristown
97 C 230417 threeridges
89 C 230403 oakridge
87 C 230327 willowcreek
87 C 230320 egwani
93 B 230313 foxden
3386CHIRICO, JOHN 285.580.0
 80 C 230403 oakridge
91 B 230313 foxden
2283CRAZE, RICK 3383.182.0
 86 B 240408 egwani
85 B 240401 oakridge
81 B 240325 willowcreek
91 B 240318 holston
85 B 240311 foxden
82 B 240304 cherokee
84 B 231120 seviervilleriver
80 B 231106 cherokee
84 B 231030 tnnational
83 B 231023 greenmeadow
79 B 231016 windriver
82 B 231009 raritybay
80 B 231002 oakridge
84 B 230925 laketansi
77 B 230911 greenmeadow
82 B 230827 toqua
81 B 230820 kahite
82 B 230813 tanasi
81 B 230731 tnnational
79 B 230717 gettysvue
76 B 230710 dandridgerw
81 B 230626 centennial
83 B 230612 patriothills
82 B 230605 beartrace
84 B 230515 greenmeadow
84 B 230508 tnnational
83 B 230501 windriver
90 B 230424 morristown
90 B 230417 threeridges
80 B 230410 holston
87 C 230403 oakridge
83 C 230327 willowcreek
91 B 230313 foxden
2560HOLT, PETER 4084.982.0
 88 B 240415 threeridges
93 B 240408 egwani
89 B 240401 oakridge
81 B 240325 willowcreek
97 B 240318 holston
88 B 240311 foxden
89 B 240304 cherokee
79 B 231120 seviervilleriver
86 B 231113 morristown
76 B 231106 cherokee
80 B 231030 tnnational
83 B 231023 greenmeadow
79 B 231009 raritybay
80 B 231002 oakridge
89 B 230925 laketansi
75 B 230918 beaverbrook
80 B 230911 greenmeadow
77 B 230827 toqua
88 B 230820 kahite
80 B 230813 tanasi
85 B 230807 threeridges
84 B 230731 tnnational
84 B 230724 raritybay
86 B 230717 gettysvue
78 B 230710 dandridgerw
80 B 230626 centennial
85 C 230619 egwani
81 C 230612 patriothills
79 C 230605 beartrace
88 C 230522 gatlinburg
79 C 230515 greenmeadow
89 C 230508 tnnational
87 C 230501 windriver
90 C 230424 morristown
90 C 230417 threeridges
90 C 230410 holston
89 C 230403 oakridge
87 C 230327 willowcreek
96 C 230320 egwani
93 C 230313 foxden
2568GILREATH, STEVE 3585.681.4
 83 B 240415 threeridges
84 B 240408 egwani
89 B 240325 willowcreek
94 B 240318 holston
88 B 240311 foxden
87 B 231120 seviervilleriver
84 B 231106 cherokee
77 B 231023 greenmeadow
79 B 231016 windriver
87 B 231009 raritybay
91 B 231002 oakridge
84 B 230925 laketansi
79 B 230918 beaverbrook
87 B 230911 greenmeadow
82 B 230820 kahite
74 B 230813 tanasi
90 B 230807 threeridges
90 B 230731 tnnational
86 B 230724 raritybay
89 B 230717 gettysvue
74 B 230710 dandridgerw
83 B 230626 centennial
78 B 230612 patriothills
90 B 230605 beartrace
83 B 230522 gatlinburg
91 B 230515 greenmeadow
91 B 230508 tnnational
86 B 230501 windriver
88 B 230424 morristown
87 B 230417 threeridges
90 B 230410 holston
88 C 230403 oakridge
76 C 230327 willowcreek
98 C 230320 egwani
89 B 230313 foxden
3454PUSTULKA, JOHN 390.387.0
 87 C 231120 seviervilleriver
93 C 230403 oakridge
91 B 230313 foxden
1115COOK, JOHN 27873.0
 73 B 230417 threeridges
83 B 230320 egwani
813MOORE, RICKY 2872.672.0
 76 A 240401 oakridge
73 A 240325 willowcreek
76 A 240311 foxden
81 A 240304 cherokee
73 A 231120 seviervilleriver
72 A 231106 cherokee
76 A 231009 raritybay
73 A 231002 oakridge
75 A 230911 greenmeadow
69 A 230827 toqua
71 A 230820 kahite
73 A 230813 tanasi
76 A 230807 threeridges
72 A 230731 tnnational
71 A 230724 raritybay
68 A 230626 centennial
73 A 230619 egwani
69 A 230612 patriothills
74 A 230605 beartrace
69 A 230522 gatlinburg
68 A 230515 greenmeadow
73 A 230501 windriver
72 A 230424 morristown
72 A 230417 threeridges
71 A 230410 holston
69 A 230403 oakridge
73 A 230327 willowcreek
76 A 230320 egwani
3405BALES, JASON 18383.0
 83 C 230320 egwani
3574BUTLER, LARRY 67978.0
 78 B 240408 egwani
79 B 231106 cherokee
78 B 230724 raritybay
78 B 230515 greenmeadow
80 B 230327 willowcreek
81 B 230320 egwani
1828HARRINGTON, TAMMY 395.792.0
 92 C 230417 threeridges
95 C 230327 willowcreek
100 C 230320 egwani
2038LAWSON, JIM 393.789.0
 89 C 230724 raritybay
94 C 230327 willowcreek
98 B 230320 egwani
1014JACKMAN, KYLE 17878.0
 78 A 230320 egwani
3569HOWELL, RANDY 19393.0
 93 B 230320 egwani
849KING, MALCOLM 378381.2
 83 B 240415 threeridges
88 B 240408 egwani
75 B 240401 oakridge
84 B 240325 willowcreek
86 B 240318 holston
84 B 240311 foxden
88 B 240304 cherokee
83 B 231120 seviervilleriver
87 B 231113 morristown
81 B 231106 cherokee
84 B 231030 tnnational
78 B 231023 greenmeadow
84 A 231016 windriver
85 A 231009 raritybay
79 A 231002 oakridge
86 A 230925 laketansi
77 A 230918 beaverbrook
77 A 230911 greenmeadow
87 A 230827 toqua
82 A 230807 threeridges
79 A 230731 tnnational
82 B 230724 raritybay
76 B 230717 gettysvue
76 B 230710 dandridgerw
79 B 230626 centennial
90 B 230619 egwani
77 B 230612 patriothills
84 B 230605 beartrace
78 B 230515 greenmeadow
89 B 230508 tnnational
85 B 230501 windriver
83 B 230424 morristown
91 B 230417 threeridges
74 B 230410 holston
85 C 230403 oakridge
90 C 230327 willowcreek
95 B 230320 egwani
303WALLACE, TONY 677.374.7
 79 A 231009 raritybay
77 A 230724 raritybay
69 B 230612 patriothills
80 B 230515 greenmeadow
78 A 230417 threeridges
81 A 230320 egwani
2992MCKINNEY, STEVE 1378.876.4
 83 A 240415 threeridges
84 A 240408 egwani
77 A 240401 oakridge
80 A 240325 willowcreek
80 A 240304 cherokee
76 A 230827 toqua
74 A 230813 tanasi
78 A 230731 tnnational
77 B 230724 raritybay
81 A 230410 holston
79 B 230403 oakridge
76 B 230327 willowcreek
80 B 230320 egwani
2176PARTON, SHAWN 288381.4
 81 B 240415 threeridges
82 B 240401 oakridge
83 B 240325 willowcreek
87 B 240311 foxden
89 B 240304 cherokee
88 B 231030 tnnational
80 B 231023 greenmeadow
85 B 231016 windriver
88 B 231009 raritybay
81 B 231002 oakridge
84 A 230925 laketansi
79 A 230827 toqua
77 B 230820 kahite
79 B 230813 tanasi
79 B 230807 threeridges
80 B 230724 raritybay
79 B 230710 dandridgerw
80 B 230626 centennial
82 B 230612 patriothills
83 B 230605 beartrace
87 B 230522 gatlinburg
73 B 230515 greenmeadow
88 B 230501 windriver
83 B 230417 threeridges
88 B 230410 holston
85 C 230403 oakridge
85 C 230327 willowcreek
88 C 230320 egwani
667WOMACK, AARON 19090.0
 90 A 230320 egwani
2709HERREN, DAN 580.877.0
 80 B 230925 laketansi
74 B 230515 greenmeadow
83 B 230501 windriver
85 B 230403 oakridge
82 B 230320 egwani
941FORGEY, ADAM 970.366.5
 74 P 240318 holston
77 P 240311 foxden
68 P 240304 cherokee
71 P 231106 cherokee
64 P 230925 laketansi
67 P 230807 threeridges
67 P 230731 tnnational
69 P 230327 willowcreek
76 P 230320 egwani
3600COOK, DAVIS 278.578.0
 78 B 230417 threeridges
79 A 230320 egwani
2198ADAMS, BRAD 318584.4
 91 B 240415 threeridges
87 B 240401 oakridge
86 B 240325 willowcreek
85 B 240318 holston
89 B 240311 foxden
91 A 240304 cherokee
95 A 231030 tnnational
83 A 231016 windriver
85 A 231009 raritybay
83 A 231002 oakridge
81 A 230918 beaverbrook
83 B 230911 greenmeadow
74 B 230827 toqua
79 B 230820 kahite
82 B 230813 tanasi
85 B 230807 threeridges
78 B 230724 raritybay
73 B 230717 gettysvue
82 B 230710 dandridgerw
90 B 230626 centennial
78 B 230612 patriothills
84 B 230605 beartrace
84 B 230515 greenmeadow
89 B 230508 tnnational
89 B 230501 windriver
96 B 230424 morristown
81 C 230417 threeridges
90 B 230410 holston
87 B 230403 oakridge
85 C 230327 willowcreek
89 B 230320 egwani
1770HARRINGTON, EARL 38987.0
 87 C 230417 threeridges
88 C 230327 willowcreek
92 B 230320 egwani
3594ROTH, CHARLIE 17676.0
 76 B 230320 egwani
3032FIELDS, BRUCE 1379.876.8
 78 A 231023 greenmeadow
78 A 231009 raritybay
79 A 230918 beaverbrook
77 B 230911 greenmeadow
73 B 230820 kahite
84 B 230813 tanasi
81 B 230724 raritybay
83 B 230717 gettysvue
78 B 230710 dandridgerw
78 B 230612 patriothills
87 B 230410 holston
80 B 230327 willowcreek
82 B 230320 egwani
2828ALLISON, RON 3395.294.8
 98 C 240415 threeridges
92 C 240401 oakridge
100 C 240325 willowcreek
98 C 240318 holston
103 C 240311 foxden
98 C 240304 cherokee
95 C 231120 seviervilleriver
91 C 231113 morristown
101 C 231106 cherokee
99 C 231030 tnnational
96 C 231023 greenmeadow
94 C 231016 windriver
88 C 231009 raritybay
91 C 230827 toqua
85 C 230820 kahite
95 C 230813 tanasi
95 C 230807 threeridges
93 C 230731 tnnational
92 C 230724 raritybay
95 C 230717 gettysvue
99 C 230710 dandridgerw
96 C 230612 patriothills
93 C 230605 beartrace
98 C 230522 gatlinburg
93 C 230515 greenmeadow
103 C 230508 tnnational
96 C 230501 windriver
87 C 230424 morristown
93 C 230417 threeridges
91 C 230410 holston
98 C 230403 oakridge
96 C 230327 willowcreek
98 C 230320 egwani
2276ELKINS, DAVE 347976.2
 73 A 240415 threeridges
79 A 240408 egwani
82 A 240401 oakridge
75 A 240325 willowcreek
85 A 240318 holston
77 A 240311 foxden
77 A 240304 cherokee
84 A 231120 seviervilleriver
82 A 231113 morristown
80 A 231106 cherokee
86 A 231030 tnnational
76 A 231023 greenmeadow
75 A 231016 windriver
70 A 231009 raritybay
72 A 231002 oakridge
76 A 230911 greenmeadow
71 A 230827 toqua
77 A 230820 kahite
80 A 230813 tanasi
77 A 230731 tnnational
82 B 230717 gettysvue
77 B 230710 dandridgerw
78 B 230626 centennial
70 B 230612 patriothills
84 B 230522 gatlinburg
83 B 230515 greenmeadow
81 B 230508 tnnational
86 B 230501 windriver
84 B 230424 morristown
77 B 230417 threeridges
81 B 230410 holston
87 B 230403 oakridge
81 B 230327 willowcreek
80 A 230320 egwani
2994TRUETT, JIM 2683.982.8
 89 B 240415 threeridges
89 B 240408 egwani
87 B 240325 willowcreek
90 B 231030 tnnational
84 B 231023 greenmeadow
88 B 231016 windriver
87 B 231009 raritybay
80 B 231002 oakridge
82 B 230925 laketansi
81 B 230918 beaverbrook
85 B 230827 toqua
79 B 230820 kahite
76 B 230813 tanasi
80 B 230807 threeridges
87 B 230724 raritybay
82 B 230717 gettysvue
84 B 230710 dandridgerw
78 B 230626 centennial
85 B 230612 patriothills
83 B 230605 beartrace
80 B 230522 gatlinburg
85 B 230515 greenmeadow
81 B 230501 windriver
83 B 230417 threeridges
92 B 230403 oakridge
85 B 230320 egwani
3286PECCOLO, BUTCH 2195.192.4
100 C 240408 egwani
97 C 240401 oakridge
97 C 231120 seviervilleriver
100 C 231113 morristown
101 C 231023 greenmeadow
96 C 231016 windriver
89 C 231002 oakridge
95 C 230918 beaverbrook
95 C 230911 greenmeadow
87 C 230813 tanasi
96 C 230807 threeridges
96 C 230731 tnnational
94 C 230724 raritybay
91 C 230710 dandridgerw
95 C 230626 centennial
93 C 230605 beartrace
95 C 230424 morristown
100 C 230410 holston
94 C 230403 oakridge
92 C 230327 willowcreek
95 C 230320 egwani
1339WARD, DON 2284.381.0
 82 B 240415 threeridges
81 B 240408 egwani
79 B 240325 willowcreek
94 B 231030 tnnational
85 B 231023 greenmeadow
95 B 231016 windriver
84 B 231009 raritybay
88 B 230925 laketansi
82 B 230918 beaverbrook
81 B 230911 greenmeadow
83 B 230807 threeridges
79 B 230724 raritybay
84 B 230717 gettysvue
81 B 230710 dandridgerw
85 B 230626 centennial
84 B 230612 patriothills
85 B 230605 beartrace
84 B 230522 gatlinburg
83 C 230515 greenmeadow
78 C 230501 windriver
88 C 230417 threeridges
90 B 230320 egwani
2097STEWART, LOGAN 376.372.0
 78 P 240311 foxden
72 P 240304 cherokee
79 P 230320 egwani
2526BROWN, DOUG 2588.682.8
 92 B 240415 threeridges
90 B 240408 egwani
79 B 240401 oakridge
89 B 240318 holston
84 B 240311 foxden
85 B 240304 cherokee
83 B 231023 greenmeadow
93 B 231009 raritybay
93 B 231002 oakridge
83 B 230918 beaverbrook
92 B 230911 greenmeadow
87 B 230827 toqua
87 B 230820 kahite
81 C 230813 tanasi
92 C 230717 gettysvue
87 C 230710 dandridgerw
89 C 230612 patriothills
87 C 230522 gatlinburg
82 C 230515 greenmeadow
91 C 230501 windriver
93 C 230424 morristown
93 C 230417 threeridges
99 C 230403 oakridge
90 C 230327 willowcreek
93 C 230320 egwani
628BRYAN, JAY 2483.678.8
 80 B 240415 threeridges
77 B 240408 egwani
77 B 240325 willowcreek
89 B 231030 tnnational
84 B 231023 greenmeadow
88 B 231016 windriver
86 B 231009 raritybay
88 B 230925 laketansi
80 B 230918 beaverbrook
80 B 230911 greenmeadow
84 B 230807 threeridges
77 B 230724 raritybay
85 B 230717 gettysvue
78 B 230710 dandridgerw
87 B 230626 centennial
77 B 230612 patriothills
87 B 230605 beartrace
81 B 230522 gatlinburg
86 B 230515 greenmeadow
87 B 230501 windriver
85 B 230424 morristown
85 C 230417 threeridges
88 C 230327 willowcreek
90 B 230320 egwani
3591ELLIOT, RAY 2786.583.2
 94 B 240415 threeridges
92 B 240408 egwani
89 B 240401 oakridge
81 B 240325 willowcreek
95 B 240318 holston
80 B 240311 foxden
86 B 240304 cherokee
89 B 231120 seviervilleriver
91 B 231113 morristown
80 B 231106 cherokee
91 B 231030 tnnational
82 B 231009 raritybay
84 B 230925 laketansi
80 B 230918 beaverbrook
83 B 230724 raritybay
91 B 230717 gettysvue
79 B 230710 dandridgerw
84 B 230619 egwani
81 B 230612 patriothills
89 B 230605 beartrace
87 C 230522 gatlinburg
89 B 230515 greenmeadow
89 B 230501 windriver
91 B 230424 morristown
86 B 230417 threeridges
83 C 230327 willowcreek
89 B 230320 egwani
3430GOODWIN, GERRY 2177.574.8
 75 A 240415 threeridges
81 A 240408 egwani
84 A 240401 oakridge
82 A 240318 holston
75 A 240311 foxden
79 A 240304 cherokee
77 A 231106 cherokee
80 A 231030 tnnational
72 A 231016 windriver
75 A 231009 raritybay
76 A 230911 greenmeadow
73 A 230807 threeridges
79 A 230724 raritybay
77 A 230626 centennial
77 A 230619 egwani
72 A 230612 patriothills
76 A 230522 gatlinburg
77 A 230515 greenmeadow
73 B 230501 windriver
82 B 230417 threeridges
86 A 230320 egwani
3205ROTAR, BOB 3388.585.2
 90 B 240415 threeridges
89 B 240401 oakridge
83 B 240325 willowcreek
90 B 240318 holston
83 B 240311 foxden
91 B 240304 cherokee
89 B 231113 morristown
89 B 231106 cherokee
98 B 231030 tnnational
82 B 231023 greenmeadow
86 B 231016 windriver
85 B 231009 raritybay
82 C 231002 oakridge
92 C 230925 laketansi
86 C 230911 greenmeadow
83 C 230820 kahite
88 C 230807 threeridges
96 C 230731 tnnational
95 C 230724 raritybay
88 C 230717 gettysvue
88 C 230710 dandridgerw
87 C 230626 centennial
93 B 230619 egwani
89 B 230605 beartrace
91 B 230515 greenmeadow
92 B 230508 tnnational
86 B 230501 windriver
85 B 230424 morristown
89 B 230417 threeridges
87 B 230410 holston
83 C 230403 oakridge
95 C 230327 willowcreek
90 C 230320 egwani
3154KITTS, FRED 485.383.5
 88 B 231120 seviervilleriver
86 B 230820 kahite
81 B 230813 tanasi
86 B 230320 egwani
1078FELICIANO, ALEX 117674.0
 74 P 240408 egwani
77 P 240401 oakridge
77 P 240311 foxden
80 P 231030 tnnational
75 P 230807 threeridges
77 P 230731 tnnational
75 P 230619 egwani
73 P 230515 greenmeadow
73 P 230417 threeridges
75 P 230327 willowcreek
80 P 230320 egwani
2201MILLS, MICHAEL 3387.985.6
 91 B 240415 threeridges
94 B 240401 oakridge
88 B 240325 willowcreek
97 B 240318 holston
83 B 240311 foxden
85 B 240304 cherokee
88 B 231030 tnnational
86 B 231016 windriver
89 B 231002 oakridge
86 B 230925 laketansi
88 B 230918 beaverbrook
85 B 230911 greenmeadow
85 B 230827 toqua
92 B 230820 kahite
84 B 230813 tanasi
85 B 230807 threeridges
87 B 230724 raritybay
94 B 230717 gettysvue
80 B 230710 dandridgerw
90 B 230626 centennial
90 B 230619 egwani
82 B 230612 patriothills
89 B 230605 beartrace
87 B 230522 gatlinburg
87 B 230515 greenmeadow
93 B 230508 tnnational
91 B 230501 windriver
84 B 230424 morristown
85 C 230417 threeridges
85 C 230410 holston
90 C 230403 oakridge
89 C 230327 willowcreek
93 C 230320 egwani
1698CORCORAN, MISSY 882.577.5
 87 A 231009 raritybay
73 B 230827 toqua
79 B 230820 kahite
82 B 230724 raritybay
76 C 230612 patriothills
83 C 230515 greenmeadow
86 C 230417 threeridges
94 C 230320 egwani
2559MOLES, EDDIE 385.782.0
 84 B 230820 kahite
91 B 230417 threeridges
82 C 230320 egwani
3377ROPER, JOHN 993.888.8
103 C 230918 beaverbrook
96 C 230710 dandridgerw
95 C 230626 centennial
93 C 230619 egwani
88 C 230612 patriothills
81 C 230515 greenmeadow
99 C 230417 threeridges
96 C 230327 willowcreek
93 C 230320 egwani
3501LUNA, DAVIS 19898.0
 98 C 230320 egwani
3593CASEY, MARK 1084.582.6
 83 B 240325 willowcreek
85 B 230911 greenmeadow
83 B 230724 raritybay
83 B 230717 gettysvue
85 B 230710 dandridgerw
96 B 230605 beartrace
82 B 230515 greenmeadow
83 B 230424 morristown
82 B 230327 willowcreek
83 C 230320 egwani
602SITTON, JASON 18383.0
 83 A 230320 egwani
3598MITCHELL, GARY 39188.0
 89 C 230417 threeridges
88 C 230327 willowcreek
96 C 230320 egwani
2320BRIGHT, EDDIE 2481.478.4
 87 B 240415 threeridges
80 B 240408 egwani
79 B 240325 willowcreek
88 A 231030 tnnational
85 A 231023 greenmeadow
75 A 231016 windriver
81 A 231009 raritybay
79 A 230925 laketansi
79 A 230911 greenmeadow
82 A 230807 threeridges
82 A 230724 raritybay
80 B 230717 gettysvue
83 B 230710 dandridgerw
73 B 230626 centennial
79 B 230612 patriothills
89 B 230605 beartrace
77 B 230522 gatlinburg
81 B 230515 greenmeadow
78 B 230501 windriver
84 B 230424 morristown
77 B 230417 threeridges
83 B 230410 holston
82 C 230327 willowcreek
90 B 230320 egwani
2418SMITH, JERRY 3482.580.2
 83 B 240415 threeridges
89 B 240408 egwani
83 B 240401 oakridge
78 B 240325 willowcreek
88 A 240318 holston
78 A 240311 foxden
83 A 240304 cherokee
83 A 231120 seviervilleriver
79 A 231113 morristown
87 A 231030 tnnational
78 A 231023 greenmeadow
80 A 231016 windriver
80 A 231009 raritybay
84 B 230925 laketansi
71 B 230918 beaverbrook
85 B 230911 greenmeadow
78 B 230827 toqua
83 B 230820 kahite
76 B 230813 tanasi
81 B 230731 tnnational
83 B 230717 gettysvue
81 B 230710 dandridgerw
80 B 230626 centennial
77 B 230612 patriothills
85 B 230605 beartrace
86 B 230522 gatlinburg
87 B 230515 greenmeadow
89 B 230508 tnnational
82 B 230501 windriver
81 B 230424 morristown
85 B 230417 threeridges
82 C 230410 holston
88 C 230403 oakridge
91 C 230320 egwani
1054HORNE, RICK 2275.773.8
 77 A 240415 threeridges
72 A 240408 egwani
75 A 240401 oakridge
73 A 240325 willowcreek
78 A 240318 holston
81 A 240311 foxden
75 A 240304 cherokee
74 A 231120 seviervilleriver
79 A 231113 morristown
78 A 231106 cherokee
76 A 231023 greenmeadow
74 A 231016 windriver
74 A 231009 raritybay
69 A 231002 oakridge
73 A 230820 kahite
73 A 230501 windriver
78 A 230424 morristown
76 A 230417 threeridges
80 A 230410 holston
74 A 230403 oakridge
75 A 230327 willowcreek
82 A 230320 egwani
586HIBLER, ERIC 2382.879.0
 78 B 240415 threeridges
87 B 240408 egwani
79 B 240401 oakridge
89 B 240318 holston
81 B 240311 foxden
85 B 240304 cherokee
78 B 231113 morristown
79 B 231106 cherokee
86 B 231030 tnnational
86 B 231023 greenmeadow
79 B 231016 windriver
83 B 231009 raritybay
84 B 231002 oakridge
88 B 230911 greenmeadow
80 B 230731 tnnational
83 B 230724 raritybay
79 B 230717 gettysvue
77 B 230626 centennial
80 B 230522 gatlinburg
91 B 230417 threeridges
83 B 230410 holston
85 B 230403 oakridge
85 B 230320 egwani
3596KITTS, MIKE 1387.381.4
 86 B 240415 threeridges
91 B 240325 willowcreek
88 B 230911 greenmeadow
93 B 230724 raritybay
77 B 230710 dandridgerw
91 B 230619 egwani
82 B 230612 patriothills
81 B 230605 beartrace
81 C 230522 gatlinburg
88 C 230515 greenmeadow
96 C 230424 morristown
89 C 230327 willowcreek
92 C 230320 egwani
3002DAVIS, JEFF 887.685.0
 88 B 231106 cherokee
92 B 231023 greenmeadow
84 B 231009 raritybay
87 B 230820 kahite
92 B 230813 tanasi
88 B 230626 centennial
81 C 230501 windriver
89 B 230320 egwani
2273FELICIANO, GIL 289.588.0
 91 C 230327 willowcreek
88 C 230320 egwani
2746BLANCHARD, JAMES 479.577.5
 81 B 230827 toqua
75 B 230417 threeridges
80 B 230403 oakridge
82 B 230320 egwani
3238NEELY, ANDREW 982.379.2
 79 B 240415 threeridges
85 B 240401 oakridge
84 B 240304 cherokee
80 B 230827 toqua
78 B 230807 threeridges
89 B 230724 raritybay
85 B 230619 egwani
81 B 230605 beartrace
80 B 230320 egwani
2826STRESEMAN, CRAIG 689.385.7
 84 C 230918 beaverbrook
92 C 230724 raritybay
94 C 230717 gettysvue
82 C 230710 dandridgerw
91 C 230515 greenmeadow
93 C 230320 egwani
3417LUNA, GRANT 19191.0
 91 B 230320 egwani
3361CONOVER, JEFFREY 19696.0
 96 C 230320 egwani
1683PULLEN, SCOTT 1091.989.2
 96 C 231023 greenmeadow
95 C 230911 greenmeadow
92 C 230820 kahite
87 C 230813 tanasi
95 C 230724 raritybay
84 C 230717 gettysvue
91 C 230710 dandridgerw
92 C 230515 greenmeadow
92 C 230410 holston
95 C 230320 egwani
2998LEE, DONALD 2590.791.8
 94 C 240408 egwani
93 C 240401 oakridge
96 C 240325 willowcreek
91 C 240318 holston
93 C 240304 cherokee
100 C 231030 tnnational
93 C 231023 greenmeadow
92 B 231009 raritybay
90 B 231002 oakridge
93 B 230918 beaverbrook
92 B 230911 greenmeadow
93 B 230807 threeridges
93 B 230731 tnnational
88 B 230724 raritybay
90 B 230717 gettysvue
78 B 230710 dandridgerw
88 B 230626 centennial
80 C 230612 patriothills
91 C 230605 beartrace
94 C 230424 morristown
94 C 230417 threeridges
88 C 230410 holston
87 C 230403 oakridge
86 C 230327 willowcreek
90 C 230320 egwani
222STRANGE, CHRIS 2581.577.4
 81 A 240415 threeridges
77 A 240408 egwani
81 A 240325 willowcreek
90 A 231030 tnnational
81 A 231023 greenmeadow
76 B 231016 windriver
85 B 231009 raritybay
74 B 230925 laketansi
82 B 230918 beaverbrook
79 B 230827 toqua
79 B 230820 kahite
86 B 230813 tanasi
82 B 230724 raritybay
79 B 230717 gettysvue
82 B 230710 dandridgerw
80 B 230626 centennial
82 B 230619 egwani
83 B 230612 patriothills
86 B 230605 beartrace
77 B 230522 gatlinburg
83 B 230515 greenmeadow
87 B 230501 windriver
80 B 230417 threeridges
82 B 230403 oakridge
83 B 230320 egwani
3272WOODALL, DAVID 285.580.0
 80 C 230619 egwani
91 C 230320 egwani
3597POTEET, SHANE 18585.0
 85 B 230320 egwani
2173ACUFF, JEREMY 480.373.5
 74 A 230827 toqua
73 B 230417 threeridges
87 C 230403 oakridge
87 B 230320 egwani
745STORY, LYNN 1389.686.6
 89 C 231106 cherokee
90 C 231009 raritybay
85 C 230925 laketansi
85 C 230911 greenmeadow
91 C 230813 tanasi
92 C 230710 dandridgerw
89 C 230612 patriothills
85 C 230605 beartrace
91 C 230501 windriver
92 C 230424 morristown
94 C 230417 threeridges
90 C 230327 willowcreek
92 C 230320 egwani
2745BROWN, CASEY 1883.179.8
 79 B 240415 threeridges
82 B 240318 holston
91 B 231030 tnnational
82 B 231016 windriver
90 B 231009 raritybay
82 B 230918 beaverbrook
82 B 230911 greenmeadow
79 B 230827 toqua
79 B 230820 kahite
80 B 230813 tanasi
84 B 230807 threeridges
79 B 230724 raritybay
79 B 230710 dandridgerw
78 B 230612 patriothills
96 B 230501 windriver
88 B 230417 threeridges
81 B 230410 holston
85 B 230320 egwani
2717BROWN, GILBERT 3190.388.6
 92 C 240415 threeridges
92 C 240408 egwani
89 C 240401 oakridge
89 C 240325 willowcreek
101 B 240318 holston
90 B 240304 cherokee
92 B 231120 seviervilleriver
89 B 231113 morristown
86 B 231106 cherokee
92 B 231023 greenmeadow
93 B 231016 windriver
84 B 231002 oakridge
93 B 230925 laketansi
84 B 230918 beaverbrook
86 C 230911 greenmeadow
86 C 230827 toqua
84 C 230820 kahite
90 B 230813 tanasi
97 B 230807 threeridges
92 B 230731 tnnational
95 C 230724 raritybay
93 C 230717 gettysvue
83 C 230710 dandridgerw
85 C 230626 centennial
92 C 230619 egwani
89 C 230612 patriothills
85 C 230605 beartrace
98 C 230410 holston
93 C 230403 oakridge
87 C 230327 willowcreek
99 C 230320 egwani
2494FIPPS, DANIEL 18787.0
 87 B 230320 egwani
3595HEALEY, RON 58987.5
 86 C 230724 raritybay
89 C 230410 holston
92 C 230403 oakridge
89 C 230327 willowcreek
89 B 230320 egwani
91MYNATT, JIM 2388.886.4
 91 C 240415 threeridges
88 C 240325 willowcreek
98 B 231030 tnnational
91 B 231023 greenmeadow
95 B 231016 windriver
95 B 231009 raritybay
89 B 230925 laketansi
82 B 230918 beaverbrook
89 B 230911 greenmeadow
84 B 230807 threeridges
86 B 230724 raritybay
92 B 230717 gettysvue
86 B 230710 dandridgerw
83 B 230626 centennial
83 B 230612 patriothills
89 B 230605 beartrace
88 B 230522 gatlinburg
85 B 230515 greenmeadow
91 B 230501 windriver
89 B 230424 morristown
81 C 230417 threeridges
91 C 230327 willowcreek
96 B 230320 egwani
1719STOUT, ALBERT 3593.290.0
 93 C 240415 threeridges
90 C 240408 egwani
86 C 240401 oakridge
89 C 240325 willowcreek
92 C 240311 foxden
93 C 240304 cherokee
94 C 231120 seviervilleriver
94 C 231113 morristown
96 C 231106 cherokee
98 C 231030 tnnational
85 C 231023 greenmeadow
94 C 231016 windriver
94 C 231009 raritybay
95 C 231002 oakridge
96 C 230911 greenmeadow
85 C 230827 toqua
91 C 230813 tanasi
92 C 230807 threeridges
98 C 230731 tnnational
90 C 230724 raritybay
93 C 230717 gettysvue
83 C 230710 dandridgerw
94 C 230626 centennial
102 C 230619 egwani
87 C 230612 patriothills
95 C 230605 beartrace
91 C 230515 greenmeadow
95 C 230508 tnnational
96 C 230501 windriver
93 C 230424 morristown
97 C 230417 threeridges
94 C 230410 holston
101 C 230403 oakridge
99 C 230327 willowcreek
98 C 230320 egwani
182MORTON, RAY 16868.0
 68 A 230327 willowcreek
3443STONEMAN, HUNTER 57470.5
 75 A 240311 foxden
77 A 240304 cherokee
77 A 231106 cherokee
75 A 230925 laketansi
66 A 230327 willowcreek
3071TIPTON, ROBERT 975.871.0
 75 A 230619 egwani
65 A 230612 patriothills
71 A 230605 beartrace
73 A 230522 gatlinburg
78 A 230515 greenmeadow
85 A 230417 threeridges
76 B 230410 holston
80 B 230403 oakridge
79 B 230327 willowcreek
 73 P 240401 oakridge
71 P 240325 willowcreek
71 P 230710 dandridgerw
69 P 230327 willowcreek
3601HELLE, MIKE 28075.0
 85 A 230515 greenmeadow
75 B 230327 willowcreek
3541WOOLIVIER, BRIAN 288.585.0
 92 B 230515 greenmeadow
85 B 230327 willowcreek
2266WOODYATT, SKIP 1675.173.4
 74 A 240401 oakridge
78 A 240318 holston
79 A 240311 foxden
73 A 240304 cherokee
76 A 231120 seviervilleriver
76 A 231106 cherokee
77 A 231009 raritybay
74 A 231002 oakridge
70 A 230918 beaverbrook
78 A 230731 tnnational
80 A 230724 raritybay
73 A 230626 centennial
74 A 230522 gatlinburg
74 A 230410 holston
76 A 230403 oakridge
70 A 230327 willowcreek
3602CUNNINGHAM, LES 17474.0
 74 B 230327 willowcreek
3136MCKERNAN, VICKI 698.795.7
 97 C 240408 egwani
101 C 231023 greenmeadow
95 C 231002 oakridge
95 C 230424 morristown
103 C 230403 oakridge
101 C 230327 willowcreek
3211WHITEHEAD, BRIAN 273.571.0
 71 P 240325 willowcreek
76 P 230327 willowcreek
2323RAY, WADE 2880.176.0
 83 A 240408 egwani
77 A 240401 oakridge
76 A 240325 willowcreek
80 A 240311 foxden
73 A 240304 cherokee
82 A 231120 seviervilleriver
82 A 231106 cherokee
80 A 231030 tnnational
75 A 231023 greenmeadow
79 A 231016 windriver
82 A 231002 oakridge
82 A 230925 laketansi
78 A 230911 greenmeadow
74 A 230827 toqua
78 B 230813 tanasi
86 B 230731 tnnational
84 B 230717 gettysvue
76 B 230710 dandridgerw
76 B 230626 centennial
77 B 230612 patriothills
84 B 230605 beartrace
83 B 230515 greenmeadow
88 B 230508 tnnational
79 B 230501 windriver
83 A 230424 morristown
86 A 230417 threeridges
82 A 230410 holston
77 B 230327 willowcreek
5CHAPMAN, WALT 369.767.0
 67 P 230710 dandridgerw
70 P 230626 centennial
72 P 230327 willowcreek
799WOOD, JEFF 17272.0
 72 A 230327 willowcreek
637HSIEH, BRIAN 77875.7
 80 A 240325 willowcreek
78 A 231106 cherokee
81 A 231023 greenmeadow
79 A 230710 dandridgerw
76 A 230410 holston
79 A 230403 oakridge
73 A 230327 willowcreek
1052KING, MYRON 37675.0
 77 A 230501 windriver
75 A 230410 holston
76 A 230327 willowcreek
2516FERRELL, HENRY 379.376.0
 78 A 230717 gettysvue
84 A 230403 oakridge
76 B 230327 willowcreek
2435WILLIAMS, PHIL 1778.975.8
 77 A 240325 willowcreek
79 A 240311 foxden
80 A 240304 cherokee
78 A 231120 seviervilleriver
79 A 231113 morristown
75 A 231106 cherokee
81 A 231023 greenmeadow
72 A 230918 beaverbrook
79 B 230827 toqua
77 B 230820 kahite
83 B 230724 raritybay
77 B 230710 dandridgerw
80 B 230626 centennial
78 B 230612 patriothills
80 B 230424 morristown
83 B 230410 holston
83 B 230327 willowcreek
53WILSON, SCOTT 472.571.5
 70 P 231023 greenmeadow
73 P 230911 greenmeadow
73 P 230807 threeridges
74 P 230327 willowcreek
3534HEATH, BRIAN 1075.473.0
 74 A 240415 threeridges
74 A 240318 holston
83 A 240311 foxden
79 A 240304 cherokee
76 A 231002 oakridge
73 A 230827 toqua
76 A 230710 dandridgerw
72 A 230410 holston
75 B 230403 oakridge
72 B 230327 willowcreek
3323NAVARRO, GEORGE 388.786.0
 91 C 230911 greenmeadow
89 C 230724 raritybay
86 B 230327 willowcreek
171ROSE, DON 876.373.2
 78 A 240415 threeridges
77 A 231023 greenmeadow
73 A 230911 greenmeadow
75 A 230710 dandridgerw
71 A 230612 patriothills
81 A 230515 greenmeadow
81 A 230424 morristown
74 A 230327 willowcreek
2867MCKERNAN, PATRICK 891.989.0
 96 C 240408 egwani
94 C 231023 greenmeadow
90 C 231002 oakridge
89 C 230717 gettysvue
86 C 230710 dandridgerw
91 C 230424 morristown
93 C 230403 oakridge
96 C 230327 willowcreek
33PERKINS, SCOTT 274.574.0
 75 P 240325 willowcreek
74 P 230327 willowcreek
3220TURCZYNSKI, BRUCE 2101.5100.0
103 C 230724 raritybay
100 C 230327 willowcreek
2551TURNER, FRED 268.566.0
 66 A 240325 willowcreek
71 A 230327 willowcreek
797ROCHELLE, RON 675.572.3
 70 A 230731 tnnational
73 A 230724 raritybay
77 A 230515 greenmeadow
82 A 230410 holston
77 A 230403 oakridge
74 A 230327 willowcreek
3434PATCHIN, PATCH 88179.2
 79 B 231002 oakridge
77 B 230813 tanasi
81 B 230731 tnnational
82 B 230724 raritybay
80 B 230522 gatlinburg
82 B 230501 windriver
85 B 230417 threeridges
82 B 230327 willowcreek
1833PARKS, JIM 1597.792.6
 99 C 240415 threeridges
101 C 240408 egwani
102 C 240325 willowcreek
85 C 231023 greenmeadow
99 C 231016 windriver
98 C 231009 raritybay
94 C 231002 oakridge
94 C 230827 toqua
92 C 230820 kahite
102 C 230813 tanasi
98 C 230724 raritybay
98 C 230717 gettysvue
102 C 230417 threeridges
100 C 230403 oakridge
101 C 230327 willowcreek
2552HALL, JEFF 17979.0
 79 A 230327 willowcreek
195PAYNE, DALE 1687.883.6
 92 B 240415 threeridges
93 B 240408 egwani
92 B 240401 oakridge
91 B 240325 willowcreek
96 B 240311 foxden
83 B 240304 cherokee
79 B 231023 greenmeadow
91 B 230731 tnnational
85 B 230724 raritybay
80 B 230710 dandridgerw
86 B 230626 centennial
78 B 230612 patriothills
90 B 230515 greenmeadow
96 B 230417 threeridges
88 B 230410 holston
85 C 230327 willowcreek
3128NOWLIN, MARSH 880.677.8
 78 A 231120 seviervilleriver
79 A 231106 cherokee
81 A 230724 raritybay
75 B 230717 gettysvue
87 B 230501 windriver
79 B 230410 holston
86 B 230403 oakridge
80 B 230327 willowcreek
2260SASSER, MARC 979.877.0
 77 A 240311 foxden
85 A 231113 morristown
83 A 231023 greenmeadow
81 A 231009 raritybay
78 A 231002 oakridge
76 A 230515 greenmeadow
77 B 230501 windriver
82 B 230424 morristown
79 B 230327 willowcreek
3300BEASON, TERRY 384.782.0
 87 B 240408 egwani
85 B 230424 morristown
82 B 230327 willowcreek
3603OCONNOR, CHUCK 1382.880.2
 86 B 240401 oakridge
84 B 231016 windriver
74 B 230813 tanasi
86 B 230731 tnnational
77 B 230717 gettysvue
85 B 230626 centennial
84 B 230619 egwani
85 B 230612 patriothills
89 B 230508 tnnational
82 B 230501 windriver
82 B 230410 holston
83 B 230403 oakridge
80 B 230327 willowcreek
3438TIERNEY, BRENDAN 318078.0
 79 B 240415 threeridges
86 B 240408 egwani
82 A 240401 oakridge
79 A 240325 willowcreek
89 A 240318 holston
83 A 240311 foxden
77 A 240304 cherokee
75 A 231120 seviervilleriver
80 A 231106 cherokee
83 A 231030 tnnational
79 A 231023 greenmeadow
85 A 231016 windriver
79 A 231009 raritybay
77 A 231002 oakridge
85 A 230925 laketansi
77 A 230918 beaverbrook
75 A 230911 greenmeadow
83 A 230827 toqua
84 A 230820 kahite
77 A 230813 tanasi
74 A 230731 tnnational
72 B 230724 raritybay
73 B 230717 gettysvue
79 B 230710 dandridgerw
80 B 230626 centennial
81 B 230619 egwani
84 B 230612 patriothills
77 B 230605 beartrace
81 B 230417 threeridges
85 B 230403 oakridge
80 B 230327 willowcreek
1899CHRISTIAN, JEFF 1187.184.8
 87 B 240415 threeridges
85 B 240401 oakridge
83 B 240325 willowcreek
91 B 240318 holston
90 B 240311 foxden
91 B 240304 cherokee
84 B 231002 oakridge
85 B 230717 gettysvue
94 B 230410 holston
90 B 230403 oakridge
78 B 230327 willowcreek
3452HAYDEN, BRIAN 28685.0
 87 C 230724 raritybay
85 C 230327 willowcreek
67JONES, RAGULEE 17878.0
 78 P 230327 willowcreek
1271KING, CODY 577.274.0
 74 P 240304 cherokee
81 P 231106 cherokee
78 P 230925 laketansi
74 P 230807 threeridges
79 P 230327 willowcreek
3184MILLER, JIM 481.376.5
 86 A 230605 beartrace
78 A 230515 greenmeadow
86 A 230501 windriver
75 B 230327 willowcreek
3222CARLTON, DAVE 29795.0
 95 C 230515 greenmeadow
99 C 230327 willowcreek
3379DIGGS, BILL 295.593.0
 98 C 230417 threeridges
93 C 230327 willowcreek
3505CUMMINGS, ALAN 887.884.2
 86 B 230918 beaverbrook
92 B 230911 greenmeadow
93 B 230724 raritybay
86 C 230710 dandridgerw
88 C 230619 egwani
78 C 230612 patriothills
92 C 230403 oakridge
87 C 230327 willowcreek
3426SKELTON, SKIP 18181.0
 81 A 230327 willowcreek
3427HURST, DINO 88684.0
 79 B 231002 oakridge
87 B 230813 tanasi
90 B 230731 tnnational
85 C 230724 raritybay
86 C 230522 gatlinburg
87 C 230501 windriver
86 C 230417 threeridges
88 B 230327 willowcreek
3608RUSSELL, MARK 386.785.0
 88 B 230724 raritybay
85 C 230501 windriver
87 B 230327 willowcreek
3605SMITH, PETER 286.584.0
 84 C 230501 windriver
89 B 230327 willowcreek
629GLENN, LONNIE 18282.0
 82 B 230327 willowcreek
2872GAFFNER, MARK 1296.392.4
105 C 240415 threeridges
95 C 240325 willowcreek
93 C 231023 greenmeadow
93 C 231016 windriver
97 C 231002 oakridge
91 C 230911 greenmeadow
99 C 230813 tanasi
95 C 230724 raritybay
90 C 230710 dandridgerw
102 C 230417 threeridges
101 C 230403 oakridge
94 C 230327 willowcreek
1481HOY, PHILLIP 1474.972.6
 76 A 240325 willowcreek
78 A 231120 seviervilleriver
79 A 231106 cherokee
73 A 231009 raritybay
71 A 231002 oakridge
81 A 230925 laketansi
74 A 230731 tnnational
76 A 230724 raritybay
72 A 230717 gettysvue
73 A 230522 gatlinburg
75 A 230515 greenmeadow
71 A 230501 windriver
71 A 230403 oakridge
78 A 230327 willowcreek
3396MACDONALD, MARTY 2599.296.8
100 C 240408 egwani
99 C 240401 oakridge
97 C 240325 willowcreek
96 C 240311 foxden
101 C 231120 seviervilleriver
99 C 231106 cherokee
100 C 231016 windriver
95 C 231009 raritybay
99 C 230925 laketansi
97 C 230918 beaverbrook
97 C 230911 greenmeadow
99 C 230827 toqua
96 C 230813 tanasi
102 C 230731 tnnational
99 C 230724 raritybay
97 C 230717 gettysvue
98 C 230710 dandridgerw
105 C 230626 centennial
99 C 230522 gatlinburg
97 C 230515 greenmeadow
103 C 230501 windriver
96 C 230424 morristown
101 C 230417 threeridges
102 C 230410 holston
107 C 230327 willowcreek
3508SHARP, WAYNE 492.389.5
 91 C 231106 cherokee
88 C 231023 greenmeadow
94 C 230403 oakridge
96 C 230327 willowcreek
3610TUCKER, RAYMOND 282.581.0
 84 B 230417 threeridges
81 B 230327 willowcreek
3410WILSON, LARRY 29392.0
 92 C 230417 threeridges
94 C 230327 willowcreek
3495CHERRY, TIM 391.788.0
 88 C 240311 foxden
93 C 230619 egwani
94 C 230327 willowcreek
3606DEW, JEFF 1894.792.0
 96 C 240401 oakridge
97 C 240318 holston
97 C 240304 cherokee
96 C 231016 windriver
91 C 231002 oakridge
94 C 230925 laketansi
98 C 230827 toqua
96 C 230820 kahite
93 C 230813 tanasi
86 C 230731 tnnational
93 C 230724 raritybay
92 C 230619 egwani
88 C 230612 patriothills
99 C 230508 tnnational
98 C 230501 windriver
95 C 230410 holston
93 C 230403 oakridge
102 C 230327 willowcreek
3607WALLACE, DAN 28885.0
 91 B 230417 threeridges
85 B 230327 willowcreek
3599PATTERSON, SHERMAN 1792.691.0
 93 C 240408 egwani
93 C 240401 oakridge
93 C 240325 willowcreek
95 C 240304 cherokee
84 C 231023 greenmeadow
94 C 231016 windriver
92 C 231009 raritybay
102 C 231002 oakridge
95 C 230918 beaverbrook
95 C 230911 greenmeadow
95 C 230731 tnnational
88 C 230724 raritybay
88 C 230717 gettysvue
87 C 230710 dandridgerw
95 C 230417 threeridges
96 C 230403 oakridge
90 C 230327 willowcreek
3604HELTON, TODD 18484.0
 84 B 230327 willowcreek
2970ZOLLAR, JEFF 2378.877.6
 85 A 240415 threeridges
86 A 240408 egwani
79 A 240325 willowcreek
79 A 231030 tnnational
85 A 231023 greenmeadow
80 A 231016 windriver
74 A 231009 raritybay
78 A 231002 oakridge
78 A 230925 laketansi
80 A 230827 toqua
77 A 230820 kahite
82 A 230813 tanasi
77 A 230807 threeridges
78 A 230724 raritybay
78 A 230710 dandridgerw
81 A 230626 centennial
72 A 230619 egwani
78 A 230612 patriothills
71 A 230522 gatlinburg
77 A 230515 greenmeadow
77 A 230501 windriver
84 A 230417 threeridges
77 A 230403 oakridge
1541SUGGS, CLINT 871.569.0
 72 P 240408 egwani
67 P 240325 willowcreek
72 P 240318 holston
70 P 240304 cherokee
73 P 230717 gettysvue
73 P 230508 tnnational
78 P 230410 holston
67 P 230403 oakridge
2605SPANGLER, TOM 1282.978.6
 78 B 231106 cherokee
78 B 231023 greenmeadow
80 B 231009 raritybay
80 B 230911 greenmeadow
82 B 230827 toqua
89 B 230731 tnnational
86 B 230724 raritybay
79 C 230710 dandridgerw
80 C 230612 patriothills
78 C 230522 gatlinburg
89 C 230417 threeridges
96 C 230403 oakridge
2698PARTON, JACOB 971.970.2
 69 A 240415 threeridges
70 A 240401 oakridge
72 A 231023 greenmeadow
71 A 231009 raritybay
75 A 231002 oakridge
71 A 230626 centennial
71 A 230522 gatlinburg
74 A 230508 tnnational
74 A 230403 oakridge
3612CLEMONS, JORDAN 476.575.5
 79 A 230731 tnnational
75 A 230619 egwani
76 A 230410 holston
76 A 230403 oakridge
2961SLEDGE, ARNOLD 898.496.2
 97 C 240408 egwani
97 C 240401 oakridge
100 C 240318 holston
96 C 240304 cherokee
99 C 230508 tnnational
95 C 230417 threeridges
103 C 230410 holston
100 C 230403 oakridge
3235ATKINS, JOE 2177.872.2
 88 A 240408 egwani
81 A 240401 oakridge
69 A 240325 willowcreek
74 A 231113 morristown
76 A 231106 cherokee
74 A 231023 greenmeadow
70 A 231016 windriver
75 A 231002 oakridge
75 A 230925 laketansi
74 A 230827 toqua
80 A 230820 kahite
69 A 230807 threeridges
87 A 230731 tnnational
77 A 230717 gettysvue
75 A 230626 centennial
74 B 230522 gatlinburg
79 B 230508 tnnational
80 B 230424 morristown
80 C 230417 threeridges
89 C 230410 holston
87 B 230403 oakridge
3613BARBEE, JORDAN 19191.0
 91 C 230403 oakridge
2143CODLING, DAVE 891.188.0
 83 C 240311 foxden
92 C 231030 tnnational
90 C 230807 threeridges
94 C 230731 tnnational
91 C 230424 morristown
88 C 230417 threeridges
95 C 230410 holston
96 C 230403 oakridge
3611BAILES, RICK 582.479.0
 83 B 230612 patriothills
85 B 230605 beartrace
80 C 230522 gatlinburg
78 C 230515 greenmeadow
86 B 230403 oakridge
1049RICHARDSON, KEN 1489.885.2
 97 C 240415 threeridges
79 C 240401 oakridge
90 C 231120 seviervilleriver
94 C 231113 morristown
89 C 231106 cherokee
87 C 231009 raritybay
85 C 231002 oakridge
86 C 230918 beaverbrook
91 C 230820 kahite
89 C 230731 tnnational
93 C 230501 windriver
93 C 230424 morristown
91 C 230410 holston
93 C 230403 oakridge
3609CRONIN, DENNIS 1085.382.2
 77 B 231106 cherokee
87 B 231016 windriver
84 B 230918 beaverbrook
83 B 230911 greenmeadow
84 B 230724 raritybay
86 C 230605 beartrace
90 B 230508 tnnational
89 B 230424 morristown
83 C 230410 holston
90 B 230403 oakridge
3206MCHUGH, EDWARD 1198.196.6
 96 C 231106 cherokee
95 C 231009 raritybay
98 C 230911 greenmeadow
99 C 230820 kahite
98 C 230813 tanasi
99 C 230731 tnnational
96 C 230717 gettysvue
98 C 230626 centennial
99 C 230515 greenmeadow
100 C 230410 holston
101 C 230403 oakridge
3614HENLEY, TERRY 1788.285.0
 90 B 240415 threeridges
90 B 240401 oakridge
85 B 240325 willowcreek
94 B 240318 holston
89 B 240304 cherokee
87 B 231106 cherokee
83 B 231016 windriver
84 B 231009 raritybay
86 B 231002 oakridge
93 B 230731 tnnational
91 B 230724 raritybay
81 C 230717 gettysvue
87 C 230619 egwani
93 C 230508 tnnational
94 C 230417 threeridges
86 C 230410 holston
87 B 230403 oakridge
3616ARNOLD, PHILLIP 890.388.2
 89 C 240408 egwani
86 C 240401 oakridge
91 C 240318 holston
91 C 240304 cherokee
96 C 230508 tnnational
91 C 230417 threeridges
89 C 230410 holston
89 C 230403 oakridge
2740MUSICK, BRENT 27977.0
 81 A 230619 egwani
77 A 230410 holston
2490REEDER, BO 1978.376.0
 76 A 240415 threeridges
76 A 240325 willowcreek
83 A 240318 holston
87 A 240311 foxden
80 A 231113 morristown
76 A 231106 cherokee
87 A 231030 tnnational
74 A 231023 greenmeadow
78 A 231016 windriver
82 A 231002 oakridge
79 A 230918 beaverbrook
77 A 230724 raritybay
73 A 230710 dandridgerw
81 A 230626 centennial
72 A 230522 gatlinburg
68 A 230515 greenmeadow
76 B 230508 tnnational
84 B 230424 morristown
79 A 230410 holston
2571BRILLANTE, CARLO 1293.990.6
100 C 231106 cherokee
91 C 231009 raritybay
91 C 231002 oakridge
92 C 230911 greenmeadow
99 C 230827 toqua
92 C 230820 kahite
95 C 230813 tanasi
93 C 230731 tnnational
89 C 230717 gettysvue
90 C 230626 centennial
94 C 230515 greenmeadow
101 C 230410 holston
3415PACK, MARK 1380.777.6
 81 A 240401 oakridge
78 A 240325 willowcreek
88 A 240318 holston
79 A 240311 foxden
82 A 240304 cherokee
83 A 231120 seviervilleriver
80 A 231113 morristown
74 A 230827 toqua
87 A 230731 tnnational
77 A 230724 raritybay
82 A 230501 windriver
76 B 230417 threeridges
82 B 230410 holston
1072KLEIN, TOM 376.772.0
 72 A 230827 toqua
73 B 230731 tnnational
85 B 230410 holston
565KELLEY, JIM 491.589.0
 89 C 231106 cherokee
93 C 230820 kahite
95 C 230813 tanasi
89 C 230410 holston
3464DAVIS, JUDD 787.483.0
 90 B 240415 threeridges
93 B 240401 oakridge
90 B 240325 willowcreek
90 C 240311 foxden
80 C 231106 cherokee
79 C 230731 tnnational
90 C 230410 holston
720DEHLER, DON 27269.0
 69 A 240325 willowcreek
75 A 230410 holston
3615ANDERSON, EVAN 310099.0
100 C 240311 foxden
101 C 240304 cherokee
99 C 230410 holston
2397BALES, JAMES 283.582.0
 82 C 230710 dandridgerw
85 C 230410 holston
19HUDSON, GLENN A 270.569.0
 72 P 230501 windriver
69 P 230417 threeridges
167IRWIN, RANDALL 676.572.0
 84 A 240415 threeridges
78 A 230911 greenmeadow
69 A 230710 dandridgerw
79 A 230612 patriothills
80 A 230424 morristown
69 A 230417 threeridges
35REEVES, JAKE 17272.0
 72 P 230417 threeridges
2843CUPP, SCOTT 1476.172.8
 84 A 240408 egwani
80 A 231030 tnnational
74 A 231023 greenmeadow
76 A 231009 raritybay
76 A 230911 greenmeadow
78 A 230827 toqua
71 A 230820 kahite
73 A 230813 tanasi
70 A 230710 dandridgerw
76 A 230619 egwani
85 A 230605 beartrace
76 A 230515 greenmeadow
73 A 230424 morristown
73 A 230417 threeridges
3482SHEPERD, JEREMY 67976.0
 76 A 231023 greenmeadow
79 A 230710 dandridgerw
82 A 230612 patriothills
84 A 230515 greenmeadow
80 A 230424 morristown
73 A 230417 threeridges
3622STILTNER, RANDY 1275.972.6
 76 A 240415 threeridges
83 A 240408 egwani
72 A 240325 willowcreek
75 A 231023 greenmeadow
69 A 231009 raritybay
73 A 231002 oakridge
77 A 230925 laketansi
74 A 230918 beaverbrook
77 A 230515 greenmeadow
75 B 230501 windriver
81 B 230424 morristown
79 A 230417 threeridges
3624MARY, TONY 19090.0
 90 C 230417 threeridges
1034BALLARD, MATT 379.779.0
 80 B 230911 greenmeadow
80 B 230515 greenmeadow
79 B 230417 threeridges
3619ROTHERY, PAUL 776.772.7
 84 A 240415 threeridges
74 A 240325 willowcreek
78 A 231023 greenmeadow
71 A 230515 greenmeadow
77 A 230501 windriver
80 A 230424 morristown
73 A 230417 threeridges
2741BEVARD, BRUCE 283.583.0
 84 B 230501 windriver
83 B 230417 threeridges
3069COOK, KEITH 77574.3
 75 A 240325 willowcreek
76 A 231016 windriver
74 A 230820 kahite
74 A 230807 threeridges
75 A 230724 raritybay
76 A 230605 beartrace
75 B 230417 threeridges
3620CUTLER, STEVE 287.586.0
 86 C 230724 raritybay
89 C 230417 threeridges
2807JONES, NOAH 376.767.0
 67 A 230820 kahite
77 C 230515 greenmeadow
86 A 230417 threeridges
3568NUCHOLS, RICK 597.494.5
 94 C 240325 willowcreek
95 C 231016 windriver
98 C 230820 kahite
100 C 230605 beartrace
100 C 230417 threeridges
244CURETON, JERRY 677.272.0
 72 A 240415 threeridges
70 B 230911 greenmeadow
74 B 230710 dandridgerw
80 B 230515 greenmeadow
82 B 230424 morristown
85 A 230417 threeridges
2928THEOBALD, RYAN 18282.0
 82 C 230417 threeridges
2307BRYAN, TOM 1174.871.8
 69 A 240415 threeridges
76 A 240408 egwani
72 A 240325 willowcreek
80 A 231016 windriver
74 A 230918 beaverbrook
73 A 230724 raritybay
77 A 230717 gettysvue
77 A 230619 egwani
71 B 230612 patriothills
76 A 230605 beartrace
78 A 230417 threeridges
3429BRIDGES, JOEY 581.679.5
 81 B 230731 tnnational
78 B 230724 raritybay
81 B 230717 gettysvue
83 B 230522 gatlinburg
85 B 230417 threeridges
2842WIEBE, LOTHAR 118883.6
 92 B 231023 greenmeadow
87 B 230911 greenmeadow
87 B 230827 toqua
90 B 230820 kahite
84 B 230813 tanasi
92 B 230807 threeridges
74 B 230710 dandridgerw
86 C 230619 egwani
91 C 230515 greenmeadow
94 C 230424 morristown
91 C 230417 threeridges
2802LOTZ, ROBBIE 1077.573.8
 87 A 230911 greenmeadow
76 A 230827 toqua
72 A 230820 kahite
78 A 230813 tanasi
71 A 230807 threeridges
73 A 230710 dandridgerw
81 A 230605 beartrace
80 A 230515 greenmeadow
80 A 230424 morristown
77 B 230417 threeridges
150HICKMAN, TOM 874.972.2
 73 A 240415 threeridges
74 A 231023 greenmeadow
74 A 230911 greenmeadow
68 A 230710 dandridgerw
77 B 230612 patriothills
76 B 230515 greenmeadow
78 B 230424 morristown
79 A 230417 threeridges
3617MOORE, STEVE 2481.478.4
 86 A 240415 threeridges
82 A 240408 egwani
82 A 240401 oakridge
79 A 240325 willowcreek
84 A 240318 holston
75 B 240311 foxden
75 B 240304 cherokee
87 B 231113 morristown
86 B 231030 tnnational
81 B 231023 greenmeadow
78 B 230925 laketansi
78 B 230918 beaverbrook
84 B 230911 greenmeadow
87 B 230807 threeridges
81 B 230724 raritybay
80 B 230717 gettysvue
77 B 230710 dandridgerw
85 B 230626 centennial
84 B 230522 gatlinburg
77 B 230515 greenmeadow
80 B 230508 tnnational
80 B 230501 windriver
81 B 230424 morristown
84 B 230417 threeridges
2812CLABOUGH, CHAD 1280.477.0
 88 A 240408 egwani
78 A 231023 greenmeadow
79 A 230911 greenmeadow
76 A 230827 toqua
82 B 230820 kahite
83 B 230813 tanasi
88 B 230807 threeridges
77 B 230710 dandridgerw
76 B 230605 beartrace
78 B 230515 greenmeadow
81 B 230424 morristown
79 A 230417 threeridges
2091FULLER, MIKE 382.376.0
 76 C 230612 patriothills
81 C 230501 windriver
90 A 230417 threeridges
3360CANTONWINE, PAUL 285.582.0
 82 C 230827 toqua
89 C 230417 threeridges
2268BATUELLO, JOEY 1477.171.8
 80 P 240415 threeridges
82 P 240408 egwani
72 P 240401 oakridge
76 P 240325 willowcreek
69 P 240318 holston
81 P 240311 foxden
75 P 240304 cherokee
84 P 231030 tnnational
70 P 231002 oakridge
73 P 230807 threeridges
79 P 230717 gettysvue
82 P 230626 centennial
78 P 230605 beartrace
78 P 230417 threeridges
2749WORRAL, ANDY 37672.0
 72 A 230605 beartrace
79 A 230501 windriver
77 B 230417 threeridges
3626HOPSON, RICHARD 382.376.0
 76 B 230710 dandridgerw
88 B 230424 morristown
83 B 230417 threeridges
3068COOK, JOSH 58682.5
 86 B 240325 willowcreek
82 B 231016 windriver
87 B 230724 raritybay
92 B 230605 beartrace
83 C 230417 threeridges
2211BIBLE, DONNIE 783.679.7
 81 B 231023 greenmeadow
84 C 230911 greenmeadow
77 C 230710 dandridgerw
87 C 230612 patriothills
81 C 230515 greenmeadow
88 C 230424 morristown
87 B 230417 threeridges
2813CLABOUGH, STEVE 1077.173.6
 70 A 231023 greenmeadow
82 A 230911 greenmeadow
70 A 230820 kahite
78 A 230813 tanasi
75 A 230807 threeridges
76 A 230710 dandridgerw
78 A 230605 beartrace
77 B 230515 greenmeadow
85 B 230424 morristown
80 B 230417 threeridges
2985HASSLER, MORRIS 38685.0
 86 B 230605 beartrace
87 B 230501 windriver
85 B 230417 threeridges
2217BURNETT, DAVID 1794.491.4
 95 C 231023 greenmeadow
100 C 231009 raritybay
94 C 231002 oakridge
95 C 230911 greenmeadow
92 C 230827 toqua
97 C 230820 kahite
96 C 230813 tanasi
90 C 230724 raritybay
89 C 230717 gettysvue
92 C 230710 dandridgerw
103 C 230626 centennial
95 C 230605 beartrace
89 C 230522 gatlinburg
90 C 230515 greenmeadow
95 C 230501 windriver
93 C 230424 morristown
99 C 230417 threeridges
3621WEDEKIND, DAVID 18686.0
 86 B 230417 threeridges
3623BOTT, DAKOTA 28783.0
 83 C 230515 greenmeadow
91 B 230417 threeridges
2791LINDSEY, BRET 88178.0
 83 A 231023 greenmeadow
82 A 230911 greenmeadow
79 A 230827 toqua
76 A 230820 kahite
83 A 230813 tanasi
88 A 230605 beartrace
80 A 230515 greenmeadow
77 A 230417 threeridges
449BALLARD, EDDIE 382.379.0
 82 C 230911 greenmeadow
79 C 230515 greenmeadow
86 B 230417 threeridges
1243SUGGS, GREG 478.575.5
 77 B 230911 greenmeadow
74 B 230612 patriothills
84 B 230424 morristown
79 B 230417 threeridges
 79 A 240415 threeridges
78 A 231023 greenmeadow
82 B 230911 greenmeadow
74 B 230710 dandridgerw
72 B 230612 patriothills
78 B 230515 greenmeadow
79 B 230424 morristown
79 A 230417 threeridges
1836MANION, TONY 1195.293.8
 97 C 240415 threeridges
98 C 240408 egwani
95 C 231016 windriver
96 C 231009 raritybay
95 C 230911 greenmeadow
94 C 230827 toqua
93 C 230820 kahite
93 C 230813 tanasi
96 C 230724 raritybay
94 C 230717 gettysvue
96 C 230417 threeridges
184SKEEN, CLIFFORD 874.371.5
 78 A 240415 threeridges
70 A 231023 greenmeadow
79 A 230911 greenmeadow
68 A 230710 dandridgerw
75 A 230612 patriothills
75 A 230515 greenmeadow
76 A 230424 morristown
73 A 230417 threeridges
2533GOSNELL, FRANK 28883.0
 83 C 230710 dandridgerw
93 C 230417 threeridges
3343WILLIAMS, SCOTT 674.573.3
 74 A 240408 egwani
75 A 231009 raritybay
72 B 230911 greenmeadow
74 B 230813 tanasi
74 B 230807 threeridges
78 B 230417 threeridges
2860RUDDER, TOM 691.886.0
 94 B 240401 oakridge
85 C 240325 willowcreek
100 C 240311 foxden
99 C 240304 cherokee
86 C 230731 tnnational
87 C 230417 threeridges
3191BLEVINS, TIM 29286.0
 86 C 230710 dandridgerw
98 C 230417 threeridges
3618DANIELS, JOHN 2788.688.4
 91 B 240415 threeridges
95 B 240401 oakridge
88 B 240325 willowcreek
94 B 240318 holston
88 B 240311 foxden
89 B 240304 cherokee
88 B 231113 morristown
89 B 231106 cherokee
91 B 231030 tnnational
90 B 231023 greenmeadow
73 B 231002 oakridge
82 B 230925 laketansi
87 B 230918 beaverbrook
87 C 230911 greenmeadow
94 C 230827 toqua
89 C 230820 kahite
89 B 230813 tanasi
94 B 230731 tnnational
84 C 230724 raritybay
86 C 230717 gettysvue
88 C 230710 dandridgerw
85 C 230619 egwani
87 C 230605 beartrace
90 C 230522 gatlinburg
93 C 230501 windriver
88 C 230424 morristown
92 C 230417 threeridges
364HATCHER, JIMMY 382.379.0
 81 B 230515 greenmeadow
79 C 230424 morristown
87 A 230417 threeridges
2799JONES, JEFF 878.676.2
 76 A 231023 greenmeadow
77 A 230911 greenmeadow
80 A 230827 toqua
83 A 230820 kahite
78 A 230807 threeridges
80 A 230515 greenmeadow
74 B 230424 morristown
81 B 230417 threeridges
1603COMBS, JOSEPH 19494.0
 94 A 230417 threeridges
2955HINDS, JIM 38883.0
 83 C 230710 dandridgerw
89 C 230605 beartrace
92 C 230417 threeridges
3554JONES, ERNIE 696.394.0
100 C 240325 willowcreek
95 C 231016 windriver
99 C 230820 kahite
97 C 230807 threeridges
91 C 230724 raritybay
96 C 230417 threeridges
2815BOLDEN, MIKE 879.576.8
 75 A 231023 greenmeadow
82 A 230911 greenmeadow
80 A 230820 kahite
79 A 230807 threeridges
81 B 230619 egwani
73 B 230515 greenmeadow
85 B 230424 morristown
81 B 230417 threeridges
 73 P 231113 morristown
70 P 230424 morristown
26KANIPE, SCOTT 17575.0
 75 P 230424 morristown
881MOORE, JEFF 575.272.0
 77 A 231120 seviervilleriver
80 A 231113 morristown
75 A 230911 greenmeadow
71 A 230710 dandridgerw
73 A 230424 morristown
198POTTS, MICHAEL 472.872.5
 73 A 240415 threeridges
73 A 230710 dandridgerw
72 A 230612 patriothills
73 A 230424 morristown
1197SHANKS, JIM 1476.673.8
 75 A 240415 threeridges
83 A 240408 egwani
71 A 240325 willowcreek
74 A 231106 cherokee
76 A 231023 greenmeadow
79 A 231002 oakridge
74 A 230918 beaverbrook
78 A 230731 tnnational
75 A 230710 dandridgerw
81 A 230626 centennial
72 B 230612 patriothills
79 B 230508 tnnational
78 B 230501 windriver
78 A 230424 morristown
340HENDERSON, BOBBY 378.776.0
 80 B 231113 morristown
76 B 230710 dandridgerw
80 B 230424 morristown
3455WHITMIRE, CECIL 17676.0
 76 A 230424 morristown
116DANIELS, CARY 17070.0
 70 A 230424 morristown
386RYMER, ANDREW 480.878.0
 85 B 240408 egwani
75 B 240325 willowcreek
82 B 231002 oakridge
81 B 230424 morristown
270CHILDRESS, JOHN 27471.0
 71 A 230612 patriothills
77 A 230424 morristown
3245HOPSON, TOM 19595.0
 95 C 230424 morristown
2865HOWARD, DEAN 478.375.5
 75 A 230717 gettysvue
76 A 230515 greenmeadow
86 A 230508 tnnational
76 A 230424 morristown
194SINARD, RICK 17575.0
 75 A 230424 morristown
316BREEDING, KEITH 18080.0
 80 B 230424 morristown
3484HOWARD, MARGARET 4103101.0
103 C 230717 gettysvue
99 C 230515 greenmeadow
106 C 230508 tnnational
104 C 230424 morristown
2805POARCH, BRYAN 1083.981.0
 85 B 231023 greenmeadow
82 B 231009 raritybay
79 B 230827 toqua
82 B 230820 kahite
88 B 230813 tanasi
80 B 230807 threeridges
84 B 230619 egwani
90 B 230605 beartrace
87 B 230515 greenmeadow
82 B 230424 morristown
3628RHEA, AR 17474.0
 74 A 230424 morristown
3625ROTHERY, PARKER 28682.0
 90 B 230501 windriver
82 B 230424 morristown
2101GRAY, MICHAEL 18484.0
 84 A 230424 morristown
2328BAKER, JIM 279.578.0
 78 C 230911 greenmeadow
81 C 230424 morristown
2587TAYLOR, TIM 38683.0
 88 B 231113 morristown
83 B 230710 dandridgerw
87 B 230424 morristown
2041CANNON, KIM 18484.0
 84 A 230424 morristown
3630BUCHANAN, DANNY 19595.0
 95 C 230424 morristown
349GREEN, JIM 477.576.0
 76 A 240415 threeridges
76 B 230710 dandridgerw
78 B 230612 patriothills
80 B 230424 morristown
2901POARCH, BRAD 397.791.0
 91 C 240408 egwani
103 C 230619 egwani
99 C 230424 morristown
3627DEFORD, WILLIAM 29595.0
 95 C 230911 greenmeadow
95 C 230424 morristown
3281LEVINSKE, BILL 983.980.0
 82 B 230911 greenmeadow
80 B 230827 toqua
78 B 230820 kahite
88 B 230813 tanasi
80 B 230724 raritybay
85 C 230717 gettysvue
87 C 230522 gatlinburg
86 C 230515 greenmeadow
89 B 230424 morristown
1974HILBERT, JOSH 983.179.5
 88 B 240408 egwani
86 B 231023 greenmeadow
78 B 230911 greenmeadow
80 B 230827 toqua
83 C 230813 tanasi
77 C 230807 threeridges
84 C 230710 dandridgerw
83 C 230515 greenmeadow
89 B 230424 morristown
3008ROWLAND, ROB 386.382.0
 82 B 230710 dandridgerw
82 B 230612 patriothills
95 B 230424 morristown
3309GROOMS, JERRY 18989.0
 89 B 230424 morristown
 90 B 230911 greenmeadow
73 B 230710 dandridgerw
78 C 230612 patriothills
83 C 230515 greenmeadow
91 B 230424 morristown
1800YOUNG, EMORY 28988.0
 88 C 230612 patriothills
90 C 230501 windriver
3228MAYNARD, STEVE 17373.0
 73 B 230501 windriver
898FLEMMING, NEAL 781.477.7
 77 B 240325 willowcreek
83 B 240318 holston
84 A 231113 morristown
81 A 231106 cherokee
84 A 231002 oakridge
75 B 230918 beaverbrook
86 B 230501 windriver
3631WAGGLE, CHARLES 486.381.0
 81 B 230605 beartrace
81 C 230515 greenmeadow
93 C 230508 tnnational
90 B 230501 windriver
 78 C 230501 windriver
2773BRYANT, JIM 27875.0
 81 B 230918 beaverbrook
75 B 230501 windriver
2445SLIZEWSKI, JIM 1286.884.0
 84 B 240415 threeridges
86 B 240408 egwani
86 B 240325 willowcreek
91 B 240318 holston
84 B 240311 foxden
94 B 240304 cherokee
83 B 230813 tanasi
84 B 230724 raritybay
92 B 230717 gettysvue
85 B 230605 beartrace
84 C 230522 gatlinburg
88 B 230501 windriver
3634BLAGG, DAVID 1687.184.8
 86 B 240415 threeridges
89 B 240408 egwani
85 B 240325 willowcreek
85 B 240318 holston
88 B 240311 foxden
85 B 240304 cherokee
85 B 231106 cherokee
88 B 231016 windriver
84 B 230813 tanasi
86 B 230724 raritybay
88 B 230717 gettysvue
89 B 230619 egwani
98 B 230605 beartrace
85 B 230522 gatlinburg
89 B 230508 tnnational
84 B 230501 windriver
1042GIAQUINTO, JOE 386.782.0
 92 C 230827 toqua
82 C 230605 beartrace
86 B 230501 windriver
2542CAMPBELL, CHUCK 18585.0
 85 B 230501 windriver
3503MARTIN, DAVID 288.586.0
 86 C 231009 raritybay
91 C 230501 windriver
1229MCCORD, DICK 279.573.0
 73 B 230820 kahite
86 B 230501 windriver
3632SHIELDS, CHRIS 18989.0
 89 A 230501 windriver
983PETTWAY, GARY 485.882.5
 90 B 231009 raritybay
83 B 230827 toqua
82 C 230724 raritybay
88 B 230501 windriver
3557POULIOT, JOEL 395.793.0
 99 C 240415 threeridges
93 C 230612 patriothills
95 C 230501 windriver
3629TATE, FRANK 28986.0
 86 C 230724 raritybay
92 B 230501 windriver
3353CHAPMAN, JEFF 291.591.0
 92 C 230605 beartrace
91 C 230501 windriver
1084FLEMING, NEIL 18686.0
 86 C 230508 tnnational
3348BREAZEALE, JARED 1101101.0
101 C 230508 tnnational
3636BRADSHAW, JOHN 279.576.0
 76 B 230724 raritybay
83 A 230508 tnnational
3633FENDLEY, ARCHIE 493.888.0
 88 C 231009 raritybay
99 C 230925 laketansi
88 C 230911 greenmeadow
100 C 230508 tnnational
842KING, CORY 288.582.0
 82 C 230918 beaverbrook
95 B 230508 tnnational
3324HUGGINS, DANIEL 19292.0
 92 B 230508 tnnational
2897AVERY, MITCH 296.587.0
 87 C 230717 gettysvue
106 C 230508 tnnational
3401JONES, WESLEY 1270.669.4
 70 P 231113 morristown
70 P 231106 cherokee
70 P 231030 tnnational
73 P 231009 raritybay
73 P 230911 greenmeadow
72 P 230807 threeridges
68 P 230731 tnnational
69 P 230710 dandridgerw
72 P 230626 centennial
70 P 230612 patriothills
70 P 230522 gatlinburg
70 P 230515 greenmeadow
2926LEWIS, MARK 17070.0
 70 A 230515 greenmeadow
2290HARRELL, TAMARA 29188.0
 88 C 230918 beaverbrook
94 C 230515 greenmeadow
3285WYRICK, MIKE 786.184.0
 92 B 240408 egwani
84 B 240325 willowcreek
83 B 240318 holston
85 B 240311 foxden
86 B 230911 greenmeadow
88 B 230522 gatlinburg
85 B 230515 greenmeadow
 81 B 230515 greenmeadow
986WILLIAMS, SCOTT 37776.0
 77 A 231023 greenmeadow
78 A 230605 beartrace
76 B 230515 greenmeadow
3313WILLIAMS, GRANT 379.370.0
 70 B 230918 beaverbrook
86 B 230807 threeridges
82 B 230515 greenmeadow
3527ESTIMA, MANNY 18686.0
 86 C 230515 greenmeadow
1490HUTSELL, DAN 18787.0
 87 C 230515 greenmeadow
3177ANELLO, JOE 19292.0
 92 C 230515 greenmeadow
2146GASPARD, CHRIS 18484.0
 84 B 230515 greenmeadow
899HARRELL, RICK 372.770.0
 70 A 230918 beaverbrook
75 A 230522 gatlinburg
73 A 230515 greenmeadow
946JONES, CHUCK 37773.0
 84 A 240408 egwani
73 A 230813 tanasi
74 A 230515 greenmeadow
3638LAMBERT, TERESA 697.895.7
102 C 231009 raritybay
100 C 230925 laketansi
96 C 230918 beaverbrook
97 C 230911 greenmeadow
98 C 230724 raritybay
94 C 230515 greenmeadow
1123CHEEK, TAMMY 18888.0
 88 B 230515 greenmeadow
2974MANN, BILL 284.582.0
 82 B 240325 willowcreek
87 B 230515 greenmeadow
3096PERRY, STEVE 281.579.0
 79 B 230918 beaverbrook
84 B 230515 greenmeadow
1937MCMURRY, ROBERT 1787.484.8
 89 B 240408 egwani
78 C 240325 willowcreek
90 B 240318 holston
92 B 240311 foxden
89 B 231023 greenmeadow
83 B 231016 windriver
89 B 231009 raritybay
94 B 230925 laketansi
85 B 230827 toqua
96 B 230807 threeridges
87 B 230724 raritybay
87 B 230717 gettysvue
85 B 230710 dandridgerw
87 B 230626 centennial
84 B 230612 patriothills
85 B 230522 gatlinburg
85 B 230515 greenmeadow
2793NUTILE, VINCE 382.778.0
 78 B 230911 greenmeadow
86 B 230827 toqua
84 A 230515 greenmeadow
3306GOSNELL, MIKE 18484.0
 84 B 230515 greenmeadow
3639JONES, DYLAN 279.579.0
 80 B 231002 oakridge
79 A 230515 greenmeadow
2797DAMRON, JORDAN 17878.0
 78 A 230515 greenmeadow
3642MCCONNEL, BRIAN 18585.0
 85 B 230515 greenmeadow
3481GRAVES, TYLER 18585.0
 85 A 230515 greenmeadow
3108DEVAULT, JACE 272.569.0
 69 A 231002 oakridge
76 A 230515 greenmeadow
3635COX, BYRON 792.387.7
 99 C 231113 morristown
94 C 231009 raritybay
97 C 230925 laketansi
86 C 230918 beaverbrook
90 C 230911 greenmeadow
93 C 230724 raritybay
87 B 230515 greenmeadow
2804WEST, DAN 28178.0
 78 B 240415 threeridges
84 B 230515 greenmeadow
130BISHOP, IVORY 381.778.0
 85 B 231023 greenmeadow
82 B 230911 greenmeadow
78 B 230515 greenmeadow
3640HOLLOWAY, DAN 18888.0
 88 C 230515 greenmeadow
1924FAIR, MARCUS 17979.0
 79 A 230515 greenmeadow
2399CHANDLER, JASON 210299.0
105 C 231120 seviervilleriver
99 C 230515 greenmeadow
2256WILSON, MARK 38783.0
 87 C 231023 greenmeadow
83 C 230724 raritybay
91 B 230515 greenmeadow
1070POFF, MATT 17171.0
 71 P 230522 gatlinburg
3453PAINTER, BOB 19595.0
 95 C 230522 gatlinburg
1941RUSSELL, ERIC 16767.0
 67 A 230522 gatlinburg
29MOODY, PAUL 1172.269.8
 74 P 240401 oakridge
70 P 240325 willowcreek
77 P 240318 holston
73 P 231016 windriver
74 P 231009 raritybay
68 P 231002 oakridge
77 P 230724 raritybay
67 P 230717 gettysvue
72 P 230710 dandridgerw
72 P 230626 centennial
70 P 230522 gatlinburg
1979COLLINS, RICK 18585.0
 85 C 230522 gatlinburg
3570GILBERT, CODY 16969.0
 69 A 230522 gatlinburg
2364MCLEROY, ROBERT 38280.0
 80 B 230724 raritybay
80 B 230710 dandridgerw
86 B 230522 gatlinburg
3567RICHEY, JOHN 19191.0
 91 C 230522 gatlinburg
3131MCCARTER, MACK 276.576.0
 77 A 230911 greenmeadow
76 A 230522 gatlinburg
2468AGNE, CHUCK 19797.0
 97 C 230522 gatlinburg
3335MCMAHAN, BRENT 18080.0
 80 A 230522 gatlinburg
3645CRONIN, JOE 18484.0
 84 A 230522 gatlinburg
3643MCCOWN, CHASE 17979.0
 79 A 230522 gatlinburg
3646OWENS, TIM 18282.0
 82 A 230522 gatlinburg
3644STILES, ALBERT 19797.0
 97 C 230522 gatlinburg
1410HARKINS, BEN 18484.0
 84 B 230522 gatlinburg
 86 B 230605 beartrace
3651MOCK, DANNY 589.686.5
 83 C 230827 toqua
91 C 230807 threeridges
91 C 230731 tnnational
93 C 230724 raritybay
90 C 230605 beartrace
1245MCGILL, TODD 37270.0
 70 P 230813 tanasi
71 P 230612 patriothills
75 P 230605 beartrace
3658FLYNN, TOM 17878.0
 78 B 230605 beartrace
 68 A 230813 tanasi
68 A 230612 patriothills
78 A 230605 beartrace
2967MELSON, CHRISTIAN 1072.971.0
 74 P 240415 threeridges
73 P 240408 egwani
73 P 240401 oakridge
69 P 240318 holston
73 P 240304 cherokee
79 P 231030 tnnational
70 P 231002 oakridge
74 P 230717 gettysvue
70 P 230626 centennial
74 P 230605 beartrace
3653KNIGHT, ED 18686.0
 86 C 230605 beartrace
3654CLARK, ROB 590.287.5
 91 C 230827 toqua
86 C 230807 threeridges
92 C 230731 tnnational
89 C 230724 raritybay
93 C 230605 beartrace
3657TURNER, KYLE 18181.0
 81 B 230605 beartrace
952HINDS, CHRIS 19191.0
 91 B 230605 beartrace
3330CALLENDER, ROB 778.475.0
 79 A 240401 oakridge
79 A 240325 willowcreek
80 A 240318 holston
79 B 240311 foxden
74 B 230813 tanasi
72 B 230612 patriothills
86 B 230605 beartrace
3652MCKINNIE, JAKE 1104104.0
104 C 230605 beartrace
2657SCHUBERT, RUSTY 28985.0
 93 C 230820 kahite
85 C 230605 beartrace
2624COCHRAN, WES 295.594.0
 97 C 231016 windriver
94 C 230605 beartrace
3269WILSON, RICK 977.474.8
 81 A 240304 cherokee
78 A 230911 greenmeadow
74 A 230827 toqua
73 A 230813 tanasi
78 A 230807 threeridges
76 A 230731 tnnational
76 B 230724 raritybay
81 A 230619 egwani
80 A 230605 beartrace
3322CHERRY, TIM 789.987.0
 92 C 240415 threeridges
94 C 240401 oakridge
89 C 240318 holston
93 C 240304 cherokee
86 C 230813 tanasi
87 C 230717 gettysvue
88 C 230605 beartrace
240CORUM, JOHN 18989.0
 89 B 230605 beartrace
2801LUNSFORD, GREG 19191.0
 91 C 230605 beartrace
3649DIBBLE, JACKSON 28585.0
 85 B 240415 threeridges
85 B 230605 beartrace
3656MAYCOCK, STEVE 19090.0
 90 C 230605 beartrace
3655GRANT, HARLEY 19393.0
 93 C 230605 beartrace
996REBERT, TROI 39592.0
 98 C 230731 tnnational
92 C 230724 raritybay
95 C 230605 beartrace
723GOLDEN, LYNN 382.777.0
 84 B 231113 morristown
87 B 230724 raritybay
77 B 230612 patriothills
3661GROSS, STEVE 18585.0
 85 C 230612 patriothills
1475BIBLE, BODIE 17979.0
 79 A 230612 patriothills
3000CAMPBELL, JEFF 370.769.0
 72 A 240415 threeridges
69 A 230911 greenmeadow
71 A 230612 patriothills
3014POTTS, TREY 16767.0
 67 A 230612 patriothills
3660CATLATT, CHUCK 19191.0
 91 C 230612 patriothills
3664HELTON, DARRELL 37975.0
 82 B 240408 egwani
80 B 230710 dandridgerw
75 B 230612 patriothills
3199LAMBERT, BARBARA 292.592.0
 93 C 230724 raritybay
92 C 230612 patriothills
2830WADE, KEN 580.476.5
 88 B 231120 seviervilleriver
82 B 231113 morristown
74 B 230710 dandridgerw
79 B 230626 centennial
79 B 230612 patriothills
3463PARDUE, PAUL 881.179.0
 80 B 240415 threeridges
84 B 240408 egwani
80 B 240325 willowcreek
79 B 231023 greenmeadow
88 B 231016 windriver
81 B 231002 oakridge
78 B 230710 dandridgerw
79 B 230612 patriothills
3036REESE, ZACHARY 18383.0
 83 A 230612 patriothills
2723MCCOY, DAN 889.384.8
 94 B 231023 greenmeadow
94 B 231009 raritybay
83 B 230918 beaverbrook
87 C 230911 greenmeadow
94 C 230724 raritybay
93 C 230717 gettysvue
84 C 230710 dandridgerw
85 C 230612 patriothills
3659CATLATT, TYLER 18888.0
 88 B 230612 patriothills
2486BROWN, KENNY 377.776.0
 79 B 230911 greenmeadow
76 B 230710 dandridgerw
78 B 230612 patriothills
3662BENSON, BRYCE 589.883.0
 81 C 240325 willowcreek
91 B 230710 dandridgerw
101 B 230626 centennial
85 B 230619 egwani
91 B 230612 patriothills
2025GARRISON, WALTER 981.176.5
 75 A 240415 threeridges
86 A 240408 egwani
80 A 240325 willowcreek
84 A 240318 holston
87 A 240304 cherokee
77 A 231023 greenmeadow
87 A 231016 windriver
75 A 230813 tanasi
79 A 230619 egwani
1296CHANDLER, JASON 1103103.0
103 C 230626 centennial
32MORAN, SCOTT 67067.7
 68 P 240401 oakridge
74 P 240318 holston
68 P 240304 cherokee
67 P 230807 threeridges
71 P 230710 dandridgerw
72 P 230626 centennial
3200BRADSHAW, JERE 984.681.5
 84 B 240408 egwani
91 B 240401 oakridge
79 B 240325 willowcreek
90 B 240318 holston
84 B 240311 foxden
82 B 240304 cherokee
83 B 230918 beaverbrook
86 B 230911 greenmeadow
82 B 230626 centennial
2574JOHNSON, BUTCH 19696.0
 96 C 230626 centennial
3663VANCLEVE, BRUCE 399.394.0
107 C 230911 greenmeadow
94 C 230710 dandridgerw
97 C 230626 centennial
3667BACHMAN, SEBASTIAN 10101.298.8
 99 C 240415 threeridges
96 C 240401 oakridge
102 C 240318 holston
101 C 231009 raritybay
102 C 231002 oakridge
106 C 230925 laketansi
100 C 230918 beaverbrook
102 C 230827 toqua
106 C 230820 kahite
98 C 230710 dandridgerw
3507FEIGERLE, CHARLES 490.587.0
 96 C 230827 toqua
83 C 230820 kahite
92 C 230717 gettysvue
91 C 230710 dandridgerw
3665MCMANUS, JAIME 18080.0
 80 B 230710 dandridgerw
3412FOXWORTH, MARK 47269.0
 69 A 240325 willowcreek
75 A 240311 foxden
75 A 230724 raritybay
69 A 230710 dandridgerw
3460TAYLOR, PAT 17575.0
 75 A 230710 dandridgerw
3666HIGGINS, JOHN 18282.0
 82 B 230710 dandridgerw
2977NORMAN, TONY 17474.0
 74 B 230710 dandridgerw
3669REAGHARD, MARTIN 686.283.7
 89 B 231106 cherokee
82 B 231009 raritybay
85 B 230827 toqua
85 B 230807 threeridges
92 B 230731 tnnational
84 B 230710 dandridgerw
3670BACHMAN, BENJAMIN 784.482.0
 88 B 240415 threeridges
86 B 231106 cherokee
80 B 231002 oakridge
81 B 230925 laketansi
85 B 230807 threeridges
86 B 230731 tnnational
85 A 230710 dandridgerw
3668BACHMAN, KEVIN 1290.887.8
 92 C 240415 threeridges
86 C 240401 oakridge
93 C 240318 holston
92 C 231106 cherokee
86 C 231009 raritybay
91 C 231002 oakridge
94 C 230925 laketansi
92 C 230918 beaverbrook
85 C 230827 toqua
91 C 230820 kahite
96 C 230807 threeridges
91 B 230710 dandridgerw
3413FAGAN, DUDLEY 78380.3
 85 B 240408 egwani
84 B 240401 oakridge
74 B 240325 willowcreek
87 B 240311 foxden
83 B 240304 cherokee
84 B 230724 raritybay
84 B 230710 dandridgerw
680HALL, BRAD 379.377.0
 78 B 230911 greenmeadow
77 B 230724 raritybay
83 A 230717 gettysvue
558STRICKLIN, NEIL 381.779.0
 80 B 230911 greenmeadow
79 B 230724 raritybay
86 B 230717 gettysvue
1040HOPPER JR, DAVID 778.674.7
 84 A 240415 threeridges
78 A 240408 egwani
80 A 240401 oakridge
76 A 240325 willowcreek
80 A 240318 holston
82 A 240304 cherokee
70 A 230717 gettysvue
3671MAXWELL, TOM 583.280.0
 91 B 240415 threeridges
83 B 231016 windriver
82 B 230827 toqua
79 B 230820 kahite
81 B 230717 gettysvue
1597PAYNE, TERRY 990.286.8
 98 C 240415 threeridges
91 C 240325 willowcreek
87 C 231009 raritybay
89 B 230911 greenmeadow
94 B 230827 toqua
86 B 230820 kahite
91 C 230813 tanasi
91 C 230724 raritybay
85 C 230717 gettysvue
1724MITCHELL, BRYCE 17676.0
 76 A 230717 gettysvue
3672TURNER, DAVID 29191.0
 91 C 240415 threeridges
91 C 230717 gettysvue
2747BOWERS, TOM 18888.0
 88 A 230717 gettysvue
2207SCOTT, DWIGHT 878.376.5
 77 A 240318 holston
78 A 240311 foxden
75 A 240304 cherokee
77 A 231106 cherokee
80 A 231002 oakridge
84 A 230731 tnnational
78 A 230724 raritybay
77 A 230717 gettysvue
3674KEMP, CARSON 19090.0
 90 B 230717 gettysvue
3673PHILLIPS, NEAL 18484.0
 84 B 230717 gettysvue
3060BOLDEN, TIM 280.576.0
 76 B 230918 beaverbrook
85 B 230717 gettysvue
1043HOPPER, DAVID 78781.3
 87 C 240415 threeridges
85 C 240408 egwani
92 B 240401 oakridge
90 B 240325 willowcreek
96 B 240318 holston
76 B 240311 foxden
83 B 230717 gettysvue
2205GOUGE, TONY 16969.0
 69 A 230724 raritybay
367FLENNIKEN, CASEY 767.163.7
 65 P 240325 willowcreek
73 P 240318 holston
68 P 231023 greenmeadow
68 P 230827 toqua
64 P 230820 kahite
62 P 230813 tanasi
70 P 230724 raritybay
3678TRAVIS, DALE 17373.0
 73 A 230724 raritybay
3489WILSON, BIFF 681.780.3
 80 B 240408 egwani
80 B 240401 oakridge
81 B 240325 willowcreek
83 B 240311 foxden
84 B 240304 cherokee
82 B 230724 raritybay
3677ALLEN, JACOB 29695.0
 97 C 230807 threeridges
95 C 230724 raritybay
3370KABALKA, GEORGE 586.283.0
 82 C 231120 seviervilleriver
91 C 231113 morristown
89 C 231016 windriver
85 C 230911 greenmeadow
84 C 230724 raritybay
3675HANSEN, AUSTIN 19595.0
 95 C 230724 raritybay
61HARMON, MITCH 27775.0
 75 P 231106 cherokee
79 P 230724 raritybay
3530SCOTT, BRIAN 19595.0
 95 C 230724 raritybay
 73 A 230724 raritybay
2202ISAACS, JEFF 18383.0
 83 A 230724 raritybay
3679HOUK, KEN 17777.0
 77 B 230724 raritybay
3192MOORE, KIM 18282.0
 82 C 230724 raritybay
2190LADAGE, JEREMIAH 280.580.0
 81 B 231106 cherokee
80 B 230724 raritybay
3552BURGIN, JAY 38178.0
 78 P 230820 kahite
80 P 230813 tanasi
85 P 230724 raritybay
3391RHODEN, TERRY 775.973.3
 74 A 231106 cherokee
76 A 231023 greenmeadow
80 A 231009 raritybay
77 A 231002 oakridge
78 B 230925 laketansi
73 B 230911 greenmeadow
73 B 230724 raritybay
3680VINCENT, DANIEL 28180.0
 82 B 230731 tnnational
80 B 230724 raritybay
3686CHEVERTON, CADEN 1101101.0
101 C 230731 tnnational
3682MOSKAL, COLIN 870.869.8
 71 A 240415 threeridges
70 A 240408 egwani
72 A 240401 oakridge
70 A 240325 willowcreek
69 A 240318 holston
70 A 240311 foxden
71 A 240304 cherokee
73 A 230731 tnnational
3683HALL, RICHARD 19494.0
 94 C 230731 tnnational
1330BRUNETTI, BOB 18080.0
 80 B 230731 tnnational
3461CHEVERTON, HEATH 19696.0
 96 C 230731 tnnational
3297SIMONS, GREG 18383.0
 83 A 230731 tnnational
3681LESLIE, MANNY 586.877.5
 91 B 231016 windriver
86 B 231009 raritybay
82 A 231002 oakridge
73 A 230820 kahite
102 B 230731 tnnational
3685BACHMAN, MEREDITH 1194.892.6
 99 C 240415 threeridges
94 C 240401 oakridge
95 C 240318 holston
99 C 231106 cherokee
89 C 231009 raritybay
96 C 231002 oakridge
94 C 230925 laketansi
94 C 230918 beaverbrook
96 C 230827 toqua
92 C 230820 kahite
95 C 230731 tnnational
3684FORGEY, GREG 19292.0
 92 B 230731 tnnational
1308WRIGHT, ROBERT 681.580.3
 82 B 240415 threeridges
81 B 240325 willowcreek
85 B 231106 cherokee
81 B 231009 raritybay
81 B 230820 kahite
79 B 230731 tnnational
3688WILSON, CHAD 18484.0
 84 A 230731 tnnational
3062FANCHER, JOSH 278.578.0
 78 B 230918 beaverbrook
79 B 230807 threeridges
1240HAWKINS, BRAD 668.365.7
 67 P 240415 threeridges
73 P 240401 oakridge
73 P 240311 foxden
63 P 240304 cherokee
67 P 230918 beaverbrook
67 P 230807 threeridges
3304BROOKS, KURT 27676.0
 76 A 230918 beaverbrook
76 A 230807 threeridges
3140WILLIAMS, GAVIN 28382.0
 82 B 230918 beaverbrook
84 B 230807 threeridges
56WYATT, GREG 569.267.5
 68 P 240325 willowcreek
73 P 231023 greenmeadow
67 P 230925 laketansi
69 P 230911 greenmeadow
69 P 230807 threeridges
3139TAYLOR, PHILLIP 377.375.0
 75 A 230918 beaverbrook
81 A 230911 greenmeadow
76 A 230807 threeridges
3341HUNT, JERRY 378.775.0
 75 B 230918 beaverbrook
79 C 230911 greenmeadow
82 C 230807 threeridges
3001LEWIS, WILL 275.574.0
 74 A 230918 beaverbrook
77 A 230807 threeridges
3689JOHNSON, JOE 394.791.0
 91 C 231023 greenmeadow
95 C 230911 greenmeadow
98 C 230807 threeridges
3687HARDEN, ROBERT 18181.0
 81 P 230807 threeridges
3065GILLIAM, DAVID 18282.0
 82 A 230807 threeridges
3692BACHMAN, BRENT 18181.0
 81 B 230807 threeridges
2504HAWKINS, DAN 28080.0
 80 B 240415 threeridges
80 A 230807 threeridges
3700PARKER, ROGER 280.576.0
 85 B 230827 toqua
76 B 230813 tanasi
3701GARNER, TRACY 1105105.0
105 C 230813 tanasi
3372BAYLOR, LARRY 480.579.5
 81 B 231009 raritybay
80 B 230827 toqua
79 B 230820 kahite
82 B 230813 tanasi
3194POWELL, RON 387.786.0
 89 C 231009 raritybay
86 C 230827 toqua
88 C 230813 tanasi
3695GOWER, MIKE 19090.0
 90 C 230813 tanasi
3698BARAJAS, JAIME 18686.0
 86 C 230813 tanasi
2948SEYMOUR, TAMMY 597.295.5
 98 C 240325 willowcreek
99 C 231016 windriver
95 C 231009 raritybay
96 C 230820 kahite
98 C 230813 tanasi
1507HALL, JOE 27775.0
 75 B 230820 kahite
79 B 230813 tanasi
3350MATTHEWS, ROB 393.793.0
 95 C 230827 toqua
93 C 230820 kahite
93 C 230813 tanasi
2174MOORE, TANNER 484.884.0
 85 B 231009 raritybay
86 B 230827 toqua
85 B 230820 kahite
83 C 230813 tanasi
1873WHALEY, DENNIS 29288.0
 88 C 230820 kahite
96 C 230813 tanasi
3699MORGAN, LEN 28078.0
 78 B 230827 toqua
82 B 230813 tanasi
3702LANE, JOE 29492.0
 92 C 230827 toqua
96 C 230813 tanasi
2701WILKERSON, BRIGINA 794.689.3
 99 C 240325 willowcreek
92 C 231016 windriver
89 C 231009 raritybay
91 C 230911 greenmeadow
100 C 230827 toqua
88 C 230820 kahite
103 C 230813 tanasi
3174SMITH, RICK 28078.0
 78 B 230827 toqua
82 B 230813 tanasi
1455MCCLURE, CASEY 18484.0
 84 B 230813 tanasi
3697PARKER, DON 18585.0
 85 B 230813 tanasi
3708CUPP, CHANDLER 29289.0
 89 C 230827 toqua
95 C 230820 kahite
3705SHAHAN, GREG 383.778.0
 89 B 230925 laketansi
78 B 230827 toqua
84 B 230820 kahite
3704RIDENER, MIKE 1490.889.6
 94 C 240415 threeridges
94 C 240408 egwani
91 C 240401 oakridge
93 C 240325 willowcreek
90 C 240318 holston
93 C 240311 foxden
89 C 240304 cherokee
94 C 231016 windriver
89 B 231002 oakridge
89 B 230925 laketansi
89 B 230918 beaverbrook
93 C 230911 greenmeadow
88 C 230827 toqua
85 C 230820 kahite
3710CLOWERS, JESSE 18787.0
 87 C 230820 kahite
3050FORSTROM, LUCAS 378.775.0
 83 P 240318 holston
78 P 230827 toqua
75 P 230820 kahite
3706WILLIAMS, ANDREW 18080.0
 80 A 230820 kahite
1844TUCKER, STEVE 28583.0
 87 B 230827 toqua
83 B 230820 kahite
2346WILLIEN, JOHN 19090.0
 90 C 230820 kahite
3411FRANCISCO, ROBIN 27979.0
 79 B 230827 toqua
79 B 230820 kahite
3703COLES, RON 18181.0
 81 B 230820 kahite
3650ANDERSON, CORY 39694.0
 94 C 231009 raritybay
97 C 230827 toqua
97 C 230820 kahite
3707ALLEN, JORDAN 889.387.2
 91 C 240415 threeridges
88 C 240408 egwani
90 C 240401 oakridge
85 C 240318 holston
90 C 240304 cherokee
89 C 231009 raritybay
87 C 230827 toqua
94 B 230820 kahite
529BROOKS, WILL 18080.0
 80 A 230820 kahite
3196SMITH, JERRI 18383.0
 83 C 230827 toqua
3718CUPP, PARKER 19393.0
 93 C 230827 toqua
3375BROWN, JOSH 1100100.0
100 C 230827 toqua
3711ROACH, JEFF 18787.0
 87 B 230827 toqua
3709CALLOR, DOUG 18181.0
 81 A 230827 toqua
3715MEADOWS, DAILE 18484.0
 84 C 230827 toqua
3712GREENLAND, PETER 19696.0
 96 C 230827 toqua
3713WILHITE, HERB 690.285.7
 87 C 240401 oakridge
83 C 240325 willowcreek
96 C 240318 holston
90 C 240311 foxden
98 C 240304 cherokee
87 C 230827 toqua
3716GLADSON, COLBY 18282.0
 82 B 230827 toqua
3714CHILCOTT, BILL 19595.0
 95 C 230827 toqua
3369FREUND, BRAD 18888.0
 88 B 230827 toqua
 71 A 230911 greenmeadow
3717MCCOY, CODY 489.886.5
 93 C 231023 greenmeadow
93 C 231009 raritybay
87 C 230918 beaverbrook
86 C 230911 greenmeadow
169RADER, RON 17979.0
 79 B 230911 greenmeadow
1583MOORE, JIMMY 277.577.0
 78 A 231023 greenmeadow
77 B 230911 greenmeadow
3020DREIER, MIKE 17575.0
 75 A 230911 greenmeadow
3722BARNES, CRAIG 489.588.0
 90 C 240311 foxden
90 C 240304 cherokee
92 C 230918 beaverbrook
86 C 230911 greenmeadow
2617CURTIS, JEFF 18181.0
 81 B 230911 greenmeadow
2264EGAN, RUSTY 18282.0
 82 A 230911 greenmeadow
646COLLART, JEFF 379.375.0
 82 A 240325 willowcreek
81 A 231023 greenmeadow
75 A 230911 greenmeadow
3719ALLEN, GEORGE 18585.0
 85 B 230911 greenmeadow
243BURNETT, SANDY 18484.0
 84 A 230911 greenmeadow
988MYERS, JAKE 276.574.0
 79 A 240415 threeridges
74 A 230918 beaverbrook
2859RIDENOUR, KEVIN 377.376.0
 78 A 240415 threeridges
78 A 240408 egwani
76 A 230918 beaverbrook
3721DRISKELL, STEVE 17272.0
 72 A 230918 beaverbrook
3724SHELTON, MIKE 18383.0
 83 B 230918 beaverbrook
1023COX, CLAYTON 17777.0
 77 B 230918 beaverbrook
3188SALYERS, CARLOS 276.572.0
 81 A 231002 oakridge
72 B 230925 laketansi
1840MATZEK, MIKE 587.883.5
 86 B 240401 oakridge
81 C 240325 willowcreek
94 C 240318 holston
88 C 240304 cherokee
90 C 230925 laketansi
3727NICHOLSON, SCOTT 38477.0
 91 B 240408 egwani
84 B 240325 willowcreek
77 B 230925 laketansi
3730BALLARD, PAUL 18080.0
 80 A 230925 laketansi
2085KING, JOSH 19696.0
 96 C 230925 laketansi
3726WYATT, SUE 19292.0
 92 C 230925 laketansi
3728SPARKS, GEORGE 17979.0
 79 A 230925 laketansi
1863DAVIS, JAMIE 17777.0
 77 B 230925 laketansi
3729FRASER, MARK 18484.0
 84 A 230925 laketansi
3725HOBBY, BRANDON 18787.0
 87 C 230925 laketansi
3723SHELTON, JOSH 18888.0
 88 C 230925 laketansi
2105HODGEN, DAVID 19292.0
 92 B 230925 laketansi
 75 A 231002 oakridge
1111MYERS, JUSTIN 377.376.0
 79 P 240318 holston
77 P 240304 cherokee
76 P 231002 oakridge
3732BIRKHOLZ, ADAM 18282.0
 82 A 231002 oakridge
245TALLENT, RAY 682.780.0
 80 B 240401 oakridge
86 B 240318 holston
76 B 240311 foxden
86 B 240304 cherokee
84 B 231113 morristown
84 B 231002 oakridge
2981FRITTS, MARTY 17777.0
 77 B 231009 raritybay
3733HOPKINS, BEN 479.377.5
 79 A 240318 holston
79 B 240311 foxden
76 B 240304 cherokee
83 B 231009 raritybay
3566ANDERSON, ARCHIE 1103103.0
103 C 231009 raritybay
311KNIGHT, PHILLIP 37873.0
 73 A 240401 oakridge
77 B 231023 greenmeadow
84 B 231009 raritybay
3734BROWN, JUSTIN 693.589.7
 91 C 240415 threeridges
98 C 240408 egwani
90 C 240401 oakridge
98 C 240318 holston
88 B 240304 cherokee
96 B 231009 raritybay
3266HODGES, KYLE 17676.0
 76 P 231016 windriver
3736USSERY, SNAPPER 17979.0
 79 A 231016 windriver
2521COCHRAN, RICK 17777.0
 77 B 231023 greenmeadow
2927LEWIS, MIKE 18181.0
 81 A 231023 greenmeadow
7CURTIS, JEFF 280.579.0
 82 P 240325 willowcreek
79 P 231023 greenmeadow
109WATERS, RON 17272.0
 72 A 231023 greenmeadow
3283LIVINGSTON, JIM 488.882.5
 90 B 240401 oakridge
100 B 240318 holston
82 B 240304 cherokee
83 B 231023 greenmeadow
640GIBSON, STEVEN 17676.0
 76 A 231023 greenmeadow
3735NAFIE, MATT 17171.0
 71 A 231023 greenmeadow
2553DICKSON, BILL 19292.0
 92 C 231023 greenmeadow
2506UPSHAW, VICTOR 18383.0
 83 C 231030 tnnational
1257GREGORY, MIKE 17878.0
 78 B 231106 cherokee
3740BUTLER, ALEX 18484.0
 84 B 231106 cherokee
3247DAVIS, ELI 18080.0
 80 P 231106 cherokee
3738COPELAND, JACOB 19393.0
 93 C 231106 cherokee
2834PETERSON, JOSH 18181.0
 81 A 231106 cherokee
3737GOEBEL, CHRIS 1101101.0
101 C 231106 cherokee
3590STOKES, DON 286.586.0
 86 B 240304 cherokee
87 B 231106 cherokee
2404MOORE, BLAINE 18787.0
 87 C 231113 morristown
3044SCHNURBUSCH, BEN 18585.0
 85 A 231113 morristown
2498DYE, BRAD 278.576.0
 76 A 231120 seviervilleriver
81 A 231113 morristown
3255BOWLIN, RODNEY 28280.0
 80 B 231120 seviervilleriver
84 B 231113 morristown
1026TILSON, GERALD 28383.0
 83 B 231120 seviervilleriver
83 B 231113 morristown
3739DUGGAR, DAVID 19797.0
 97 C 231113 morristown
3378JONES, WESLEY 374.770.0
 83 P 240318 holston
70 P 240304 cherokee
71 P 231120 seviervilleriver
384CHEEK, BRAD 18787.0
 87 B 231120 seviervilleriver
3741MILLER, BEAU 17878.0
 78 B 231120 seviervilleriver
3742COX, ALLEN 18181.0
 81 A 231120 seviervilleriver
3202WEIKEL, BILL 585.481.5
 79 B 240401 oakridge
85 C 240325 willowcreek
91 C 240318 holston
84 C 240311 foxden
88 C 240304 cherokee
3749MCCALL, KYLE 37469.0
 77 A 240401 oakridge
69 A 240325 willowcreek
76 A 240304 cherokee
3744KAPHERR, ALLEN 592.890.0
 96 C 240415 threeridges
94 C 240401 oakridge
94 C 240318 holston
90 C 240311 foxden
90 C 240304 cherokee
3745STRICKLAND, RICH 488.586.0
 88 B 240408 egwani
91 C 240401 oakridge
91 C 240318 holston
84 C 240304 cherokee
3406CAHILL, DAVE 58179.0
 81 B 240408 egwani
80 B 240401 oakridge
81 B 240325 willowcreek
85 B 240311 foxden
78 B 240304 cherokee
3743BRIEGEL, ERIC 593.491.5
 92 C 240415 threeridges
96 C 240408 egwani
96 C 240401 oakridge
91 C 240318 holston
92 C 240304 cherokee
3757LEFEVRE, LEO 585.681.5
 81 B 240408 egwani
82 B 240401 oakridge
93 C 240318 holston
85 C 240311 foxden
87 C 240304 cherokee
3209MONTREUIL, DEAN 492.589.5
 98 C 240415 threeridges
93 C 240408 egwani
90 C 240325 willowcreek
89 B 240304 cherokee
3444HUTCHENS, JAMES 210198.0
104 B 240311 foxden
98 B 240304 cherokee
3754ROY, DENNY 494.892.0
 97 C 240408 egwani
94 C 240401 oakridge
98 C 240318 holston
90 C 240304 cherokee
1615HENDERSON, JASON 27875.0
 81 P 240318 holston
75 P 240304 cherokee
287SIMS, MIKE 586.884.5
 83 C 240415 threeridges
89 C 240401 oakridge
86 C 240325 willowcreek
90 A 240311 foxden
86 A 240304 cherokee
3746TERRY, CAMERON 486.885.0
 89 B 240401 oakridge
87 B 240318 holston
88 B 240311 foxden
83 B 240304 cherokee
3751WEST, CHUCK 691.288.0
 95 C 240415 threeridges
93 C 240401 oakridge
91 C 240325 willowcreek
95 C 240318 holston
88 C 240311 foxden
85 C 240304 cherokee
3750OBRION, JIM 384.378.0
 78 C 240401 oakridge
88 C 240318 holston
87 B 240304 cherokee
3753PRICE, JERRY 48479.5
 81 B 240408 egwani
78 C 240401 oakridge
89 C 240318 holston
88 C 240304 cherokee
3760KEETON, JEFF 49593.0
 98 C 240415 threeridges
96 C 240408 egwani
93 C 240311 foxden
93 C 240304 cherokee
3758HEYMING, ROGER 692.289.3
 93 C 240415 threeridges
96 C 240408 egwani
89 C 240325 willowcreek
96 C 240318 holston
89 C 240311 foxden
90 C 240304 cherokee
3752WILLIAMS, JOHN 682.378.3
 78 B 240415 threeridges
80 B 240408 egwani
82 A 240401 oakridge
93 B 240318 holston
77 B 240311 foxden
84 B 240304 cherokee
3759MUSICK, TIM 690.588.0
 91 C 240415 threeridges
93 C 240408 egwani
88 C 240401 oakridge
90 C 240325 willowcreek
95 C 240318 holston
86 B 240304 cherokee
3748PIRRELLO, CRAIG 585.882.0
 83 B 240408 egwani
87 B 240401 oakridge
95 B 240318 holston
82 B 240311 foxden
82 B 240304 cherokee
3339GIBBS, STEVE 788.487.0
 91 C 240415 threeridges
88 C 240408 egwani
90 C 240401 oakridge
87 C 240325 willowcreek
87 C 240318 holston
89 B 240311 foxden
87 B 240304 cherokee
3756THIMJON, ANDREW 382.378.0
 88 P 240408 egwani
81 P 240318 holston
78 P 240304 cherokee
3755BRANDON, GARY 785.482.3
 90 B 240415 threeridges
84 B 240408 egwani
88 B 240401 oakridge
82 B 240325 willowcreek
88 B 240318 holston
85 B 240311 foxden
81 B 240304 cherokee
3180HARBIN, JERRY 28382.0
 84 B 240325 willowcreek
82 B 240311 foxden
3766SLIGER, WILLIAM 49492.0
 92 C 240415 threeridges
92 C 240401 oakridge
93 C 240318 holston
99 C 240311 foxden
3764CROSS, LARRY 483.880.5
 81 B 240408 egwani
85 B 240401 oakridge
80 C 240318 holston
89 C 240311 foxden
3763ARCHER, JARED 585.482.0
 86 B 240415 threeridges
87 B 240408 egwani
78 C 240325 willowcreek
88 C 240318 holston
88 B 240311 foxden
1577POORE, ED 38280.0
 80 B 240415 threeridges
81 B 240401 oakridge
85 B 240311 foxden
3465HOLMES, SANNER 290.588.0
 88 C 240318 holston
93 B 240311 foxden
3762REED, J 17575.0
 75 A 240311 foxden
3761GAMBILL, ERIC 585.281.5
 79 B 240415 threeridges
85 B 240408 egwani
84 C 240401 oakridge
92 C 240318 holston
86 B 240311 foxden
2739STOOKSBURY, GARY 19797.0
 97 B 240311 foxden
2609HENDERSON, NOAH 586.683.0
 91 B 240415 threeridges
86 B 240408 egwani
90 B 240401 oakridge
82 B 240325 willowcreek
84 C 240318 holston
3765LEE, REGGIE 38382.0
 84 B 240401 oakridge
82 B 240325 willowcreek
83 B 240318 holston
3770HENSLEY, HUNTER 28887.0
 87 C 240401 oakridge
89 C 240318 holston
3769WEGNER, DARREN 384.382.0
 89 B 240415 threeridges
82 B 240325 willowcreek
82 B 240318 holston
3767DUNAGAN, DUSTIN 480.379.0
 82 P 240415 threeridges
80 P 240401 oakridge
78 P 240325 willowcreek
81 P 240318 holston
3768BROWN, MICKEY 49290.5
 96 C 240415 threeridges
91 C 240401 oakridge
90 C 240325 willowcreek
91 C 240318 holston
288CHRISTIAN, BILL 37065.0
 70 A 240415 threeridges
75 A 240408 egwani
65 A 240325 willowcreek
3477HALL, WILLIAM 39388.0
 96 C 240408 egwani
95 C 240401 oakridge
88 C 240325 willowcreek
2027EARITH, TIM 293.592.0
 95 C 240401 oakridge
92 C 240325 willowcreek
15HENLEY, KIP 16666.0
 66 A 240325 willowcreek
3771FETHE, TOM 18787.0
 87 C 240325 willowcreek
2689FOWLER, PETER 18484.0
 84 P 240325 willowcreek
2367WILSON, CHAD 17676.0
 76 B 240325 willowcreek
3776GRAY, TRAVIS 281.580.0
 83 P 240401 oakridge
80 A 240325 willowcreek
3774ELLIS, JEFF 18383.0
 83 B 240325 willowcreek
284HULEN, BRIAN 18080.0
 80 A 240325 willowcreek
 82 A 240325 willowcreek
1467MCGRANE, JACK 383.378.0
 88 B 240415 threeridges
84 B 240408 egwani
78 B 240325 willowcreek
1590HOBBS, RANDY 2100.599.0
 99 C 240408 egwani
102 C 240325 willowcreek
3772HARDIN, KEVIN 17878.0
 78 A 240325 willowcreek
3773COSTELLO, STEVE 29492.0
 96 C 240408 egwani
92 C 240325 willowcreek
 97 C 240415 threeridges
102 C 240401 oakridge
92 C 240325 willowcreek
3779DELORME, JOSH 378.374.0
 75 P 240415 threeridges
86 P 240408 egwani
74 P 240401 oakridge
1695FOWLER, STEVE 29897.0
 99 C 240415 threeridges
97 C 240401 oakridge
3780BACON, OSCAR 288.588.0
 89 C 240408 egwani
88 C 240401 oakridge
3786GILLESPIE, SANDY 29385.0
101 C 240415 threeridges
85 C 240408 egwani
3783KIM, NICK 19393.0
 93 C 240408 egwani
3785RUTKIN, MICHAEL 19393.0
 93 B 240408 egwani
2150BRYANT, JUSTIN 18080.0
 80 A 240408 egwani
3781PARSONS, RILEY 17878.0
 78 A 240408 egwani
3784PUCKETT, DEXTER 18484.0
 84 B 240408 egwani
3782ALLEN, PARKER 18989.0
 89 A 240408 egwani
304FOUST, BRANDON 17676.0
 76 A 240415 threeridges